
编辑:管理员日期:2023-08-04 15:05:22浏览次数:7893




中国共产党领导的人民子弟兵,It is a steel army with responsibilities ranging from the cause of national liberation to the defense of the territorial integrity of the country,From countless battles of blood and fire,Drove out the Japanese invaders, defeated the Chiang dynasty and the allied Western invaders led by the American Empire,Played out the indomitable high ambition of the Chinese nation, played out the national prestige of the People's Republic of China...2023年,值此建军96On the occasion of the anniversary, please see the poets of Changde Poetry Society singing with passion……

Zhou Yunlai


Nanchang feat spooky, a hundred years of wind and clouds began to smooth。


Aid to the DPRK to highlight the heroic atmosphere, to hear the sound of justice。

North and south swing an nine domains, red heart blue blood cast loyalty。


Zeng Xiangyong




Youth blood in China, heroic posture and lofty ambition。

Since ancient times, the border shoulder responsibility, the people's happiness in the heart。


Ma Chengbin


援朝卫国Ode to the Military Soul


Heroic division million high ambition, defense aid toward the battlefield。

Roaring Wolf is not afraid, encircling tiger leopard dare to play。

Qingchuan immediately arrogant army defeat, Ganling knife devil panic。

Shed blood into benevolence many feats, heroic soul Haoqi Hua Zhang。






Thousands of small mountains are low, thousands of long March war horse hiss。

Jiangxi water without trees ringing drum horns, Kunlun sell wine away pellet mud。

Three armed forces dragon Tiger Fengyun, nine beacon smoke sword halberd。

The sowing declaration believes that the spring breeze has blown the grass luxuriant。



Ode to the Great Wall


Stone barrier Xiongguan cross north plug, the previous dynasty built exceptional achievements against the enemy。



Qi Yuesheng





Get the first group of dragons between the right path, seize the more blocked a few twists。

Shenbing crossed the red River four times, jumped out of the encircling to Shaanxi and Gansu。


Kang Cunbo







Shang Zhongxian




Ye Tian cub sell do not love dearly, blind foreign division sheng qi Ling。

One hundred thousand elite soldiers suffered havoc, how many elite strike high-level。

Encircling zigzag Yan 'an Road, turn to see Zunyi lamp。

The sound of the spear is far away, and now the great cause is inherited forever。


Tang Yunying




骋驰疆埸举麾旌,足下彩云生。Relying on the sky bright sword thief wound gall, wind and smoke roll, iron bone Zhengzheng。Poor bandits are dung, snapmale into Venus。


Lou Dehua




"August One" military flag hunting red, knife and gun high rushed forward。

Drive down the Japanese Jiang to pursue the enemy, defend the land Anbang build Wei Gong。

Beidou navigation azimuth, east wind test ruler search male。

A hundred years of gold ou solid, science and technology strong soldier olive bear。






Old light Mizhen industry yellow, red star Shuo reflected military uniform。

Yan eyes show heroic gas, my father once carried a gun。


Chung Hyeong-min


Zhegutian ・ Liberation War group songs Liaoshen campaign



Billowing Wolf smoke enemy fierce, Jinzhou to take the showdown。

Tashan blood wash congealed night, fortress flag opened rainbow。

A small drum is urgent, the sound of artillery is long, Yu Guan Haohao from the east wind。

Chuanyuan thousands of center to see, the war opened the picture scroll macro。


Xiang Caimei




A call to unify the three armies, tens of thousands of grass into a tiger。

Peng total transverse knife Ma Hiss lie, Pingjiang from Kyushu smell。








Prison cage smashed traffic, anti-Japanese hero news。


Hu Xiaoru






The "five Wells" are solid as a rock, with banners as bright as glowing clouds。征程万里始于今,向着延安挺进。






Red "August One" memory of three bay, the army new what dangerous difficulties。

Should remember the great man plan, forge the soul of the army。


Guo Fangqun





Nanchang cannon sounds to the east, wake up workers and peasants to be armed,

Five times Jinggang wielded the sword, eight years of war against Japan。

South and north war Chiang family defeat, resist the United States to aid the motherland。

Shower rain comb wind martyrs road, banners and blood fly forever。






Old tired menstruation frost rain, still stand cloud cliff into nine heavy。

Shan Na faithful soul buried white bones, descendants of the inscription of the first Zong。

















To profit the country is not afraid to die, meritorious epic survival。


Xiong Junwen




Military flag hunting dance east wind, the mighty division has made repeated achievements。

Geng Geng has a heart of righteousness and a spine of iron。

The sky and the sky, the spirit of the sword to slay the dragon。







The textbook used to contain several chapters, resist the United States to aid the Dynasty, Longhua to destroy the beam。让火烧身,托包炸堡,愿体穿膛。Three campaigns all received large Xinjiang, a few heroes shine forever。血染山冈,固土中原,万里花香。


Qiu Weibo





Jianjun thunderbolt rescue workers and peasants, the gunfire Nanchang shook the night sky。

Fearless sacrifice of evil, unyielding hardships tied to the dragon。

Drive down the new Huali Jiang, resist the United States to aid the world。







Standing on the edge of the desert, on the edge of the mountain radar。

War eagle literature yellow flower clean, rich mine Yingpan poetry fu string。






Say goodbye to the goose city 卌 more than load, screen again gather xi also surprised。

When the brow Yu Feng Hua MAO, today's forehead gully horizontal。

With garrison in southern Xinjiang has been a long time, talk under the moon but often rayon。

People say the East Sea even Tianshui, which and three points war friendship。











Taxes and levies at will, birth and death are crazy。

The army is angry, the soldiers are sharpening their fists and arrows in the string。

Blood Chongshan after hundreds of battles, all wiped out 100,000 trillion people。






Standing tall, on the nine clouds, a hundred years of wind and rain。岁月沧桑东逝去,多少英雄翘楚。Think back to that year, Jiaxing painted boat, spark prairie fire。南昌起义,挥师湘赣遭阻。

Snow mountain grassland is difficult, long March, anti-Japanese will be imperial。窑洞灯光无昼夜,巨手枣园宏举。Crossing the Yangtze River, Jinling Flag Exhibition, liberation of the southern region of the river。初升红日,九州春意和煦。


Yan Weike




The neighboring countries smoke smoke, the flames are towering, the newly born motherland encountered difficulties。领袖及时刀出鞘,兵出边关。

Peng once again wielded the whip, the iron horse and the steel fist, and defeated the enemy and sang triumphantly。热血换来天地阔,留史千年。


Yang Handing


The Red Army wharves in Yuanjiang where the second and sixth armies fought


The eastern sunrise is full of Jiangred, and the bank willow pavilions reflect the water。

In the past, the Red Army fought hand to hand, raising the flag to annihilate the enemy。




[Zhenggong · Saihongqiu] Look at my military reputation


Protecting the home and protecting the country, disaster relief and rescue Ningbo Fu。To help countries resist the United States and neighbors, and to maintain peace and control hegemony in the world。担当弱势扶,引领超前步。神州给力军魂塑!




A Sprig of Plum Blossom·颂扬红军四渡赤水战役


激战湘江不畏伤。破堵拦追,急转黔疆。Mountains and rivers in the wilderness good through the township, the enemy from Yunnan, flexible Teng Xiang。

赤水回旋逼敌忙。使蒋惊惶,令薛回防。Our army clever move to lure him panic, go to Xiangxi, dark across the Yangtze River。


Ding Zhilin


Ode to the Motherland


A great man created the foundation of the country, and the lion woke up in the east。

Work hard to carry on the past, the characteristics of the Chinese world known。






Wuxi River on the sound of killing, behind the enemy blossom offensive male。

Yuanshui red corner here, long March should build a miracle。




Ode to the Army Banner


"August One" military flag fire red, bright and dazzling display。


Soldiers condensing heart male brigade, hero drain blood shine time and space。

Strong military science and technology increase divine power, tiger leopard jackal who dare to go crazy!


Li Wending





A call to war smoke, a million under the Jiangnan。

Thousands of boats racing across the wind and thunder, ten thousand guns in unison。

Pour down the sea and row mountains to annihilate the enemy brigade, destroy the dry rot and change the new sky。

The Shenbing swept through the Soochow land and beat the yellow dragon in triumph。








National army arrogant change urn turtle, World War I famous book epic。


Li Xiongfei




Blood poured over Mengliang, and the smoke of the fire cut jackals from all over。

Attack the ace enemy, encirclement and annihilate Huangpu "Zhang" with swords。

Tiger heart like thunder, Xiong Shou Gu like gold soup。

The resourceful God of War turned the tide and boosted morale。


Liu Jiaguo





A thousand from the bitter family, the body painstakely happy, body painstakely happy, leaning on the column dry hope full moon alone。











Liu Jiakun




Leader Zhu hair will well peak, eventful years two heroes。

Only seek the right way military flag dance, create the three armies in the fire。

Drive out foreign invaders, call out workers and peasants, and show loyalty with bullets。

Danxin a flat world, arm in arm with the practice of nine domains red。



Chen Shengyou


River All in Red·歌颂子弟兵


起义南昌,挥长剑,丹心碧血。反围剿,五攻四捷,激情声咽。25,000 battle road, snowy mountain grass border month。大会师,陕北聚英雄,同心结。

Yanan guarantees the destruction of the enemy;Production is tight and non-stop。抗倭寇,八年日军歼灭。Drive Jiang three years world earthquake, home anti-hegemon heart。强科技,备战践初心,坚如铁。


Xie Zhizhong





Minjiang Dadu block Feihong, day and night march hurried。

Dangerous places have never stopped tigers, turbulence can lock dragons。


With less victory and more surprise, the banners are full of red。




Jiang Chengzi · The elder brother of my village in the counter-attack war against Vietnam


Brother XVIII went into the camp, abandoned farming, and defended the border city。赤胆忠心,护国展豪情。Thousands of miles of wind and sand will not regret, military construction, peace。

Southern Xinjiang self-defense journey, battle flag, horn sound。血染谅山,杀敌显英名。Buried bones did not return to Sangzi ground, sister tears, sprinkle Qingming。


He died in the Battle of Lang Son in March 1979 at the age of 21。


Li Huaying





If you do not forget the army, the furnace will cast joy。

Silver hoe turned into steel gun force, yellow millet as gold。

Work together to fight the epidemic and deal with the disaster。

Lian Po old still can rice, a soldier feng willing to devote。






The Red Army marched north to overcome the difficulties and flew through the air to Jiangguan。

Hanging rope in the wind, firefight Yingfu vowed to climb。

The red school is shining through the rain, the frost knife is shining。



Tan Zhongrong




Follow the leader Chicheng Dan, the journey of the revolution is difficult。

Qilu's resistance against Japan became an example, and Beiguan drove Jiang to create wonders。


Blood for the party industry, double marshal number Ronghuan。


Wei Yifang




万里神州,千重关山,壮士擎缨。Read Yuyao Weiye, youth cast, Li people's well-being, blood book into。A uniform, heroic, mighty division has my name。冰心在,让豺狼尽倒,虎豹皆倾。

军旗写满和平。但撼树蚍蜉扰未停。The snow fur frost cap, will be stable, rain, wind, meaning to send prosperity。Soul and edge, people with the border, iron horse buried the body difficult feelings。From now on, a total of five stars "August one", see the sword light。








The Red Army courageously banners dance, Jiang bandits frightened position tilt。

Cut through the mouth, smooth way north of Shaanxi and Gansu。






The 96th anniversary of the "August 1", the opening of the battle Nanchang。

Bitter wind tears bamboo clouds flying rain, the spark Ziping knot armed。

Thousands of miles long march blood, thousands of years across the vicissitudes of life。







A thousand li Luoxiao xiu Jinggang, Jinggang scenery in the yellow Ocean。

Mountains undulating heart surge, gently caress the gun with a country war。


Zhang Changming





The servicemen and women of the armed forces stand tall and carry the burden of defending the country and the home。

There is a battle to annihilate the enemy, no invasion of hard to strengthen the border。

The initial intention of disaster relief, underwater space responsibility when。

The courage of the men of armour, sweat and blood shed to make a strong nation。


Yuan Ruilin


River All in Red·军魂


赣水苍茫,枪声响、武装起义。升军旗、雄兵天降,同舟而济。The great waves are sweeping the sand and the heroes are coming out。渡赤水、抗日踏征程,驱妖魅。

三山倒,迎胜利。鸿图展,推新制。东风导弹狠,奥妙无比。Science and technology innovation surprise Taiyu, southern Xinjiang aircraft carrier over Europe and the United States。钢铁汉、热血铸军魂,千秋岁。







Gunfire rang out on Nanchang city, and blood stained the cast iron soul of the banners。

Open up Jinggang fire, choose Zunyi pull the Red Army。

Eight years anti-Japanese hero spectrum, hundreds of wars to drive away the earth spring。

Simple hard true nature, fine tradition forever heart。


Gong Xiaomei




"Eight One" military song momentum male, battle flag bright red mountain。


See you today, and promote justice in the five states。

Peace and love Qi Tianrich, leading the meaning of high science full。






Nanchang uprising shook the sky, "August 1" military flag hunting red。

The Long March took the world by surprise, and the three mountains were toppled and built。

The Central Plains fought to drive away stubborn rebels, Huaihai fought to destroy tiger bears。

Praise the achievements through the ages, and protect the family and the country。






Loud and clear military songs rush to the front line, the military uniform is the most steadfast。

Work to rescue men's blood, cut the flood of the army。

The state of the country is a festival, lonely frontier pay float。

For the people respectable posture, uphold the merits to protect Taiping。


Kim Paulin




Nanchang uprising shocked the world, resist the United States and aid the whole country。

The maintenance of peace has achieved remarkable results, the relief of disaster rescue and surprise!











Liu Yunzheng


Ode to the Military Soul


Nanchang uprising lion wake up, blood for many years looking forward to peace。

Kill the enemy and drive away the iron bones of the Japanese army, and the people's army will live forever。


Zhou Xianfeng







The red flags are waving and the warriors are singing。

After decades of heavy aftertaste, the Long March wonderful memory。


Bear salute Soldier




People's soldiers guard the border, dignified appearance and lofty。

Foot Shen boat patrol the blue sea, holding a sharp arrow to shoot locusts。

Side by side to protect the industry, work together to build thousands of miles of walls。

"August 1" with banners floating on the island, commanding good boy。


Liu Jianxun




Smooth the dangerous road hidden invisible, blocking and chasing bubble Ming。

Mice into a lion happy couple, the mountain to help Jie pick strange stars。

The dragon leaps, the red water, the gods laugh, and the tiger whistles。



Hou Zhongming




Clouds and smoke sing heroes, anti-American aid to build Wei Gong。

Surrounded by mountains hidden lying tigers, eight artillery shook the sky。

Dry food belly heroic, ice and snow when tea record。

Countless Kings flow blood, the spirit does not die laughing in the sky。







Snow mountain grassland long March road, lofty aspirations of the world。


Zhan Guoan


Song of the Fish·军魂


Against the United States aid to the song Kai, disaster relief and flood control is a trump card。好军队,好英才。安民卫国永和谐。


Zhou Yunshu





Smash cages to fire, build walls to keep wolves away。

Earthquake relief Li people smile, maintain stability and busy places。

Dinghai Shenpin territory, the Great Wall Wei shrugged Kyushu Kang。






The mighty division is proud of the world, and the flag hunts the sky。

I have the courage to defend the land and defend the enemy。

Through Purgatory, volume storm, people's defender town demon。

The Great Wall is built, nearly a hundred years of spring and autumn。






Zunyi high hanging pointing lights, Long March dangerous road marked。

The heavenly God praises the splendid plan, the northern expedition soldiers strange Yu Yu Qing。


Mr Waving demons back, iron and steel division Jun Ma Teng。


Liu Baolin




Nanchang "August 1" sound of gunfire, there is the people's army。

Five Wells a thousand heavy siege, the long march a thousand dangerous pass,

Dispelling the overthrown Jiang Guangyao, resisting the United States and aiding the Dynasty,

World peace and punishment overlords, invincible iron Great Wall。






Green bush lying Yingwei, silent mountain stone Yi monument。

Vows to break bones autumn wind volume, courage to raise residual flag rising sun Qi。

Zunyi will, get the sky, the Red Army poetry to Yunfei。

Nanhu faith high and far-sighted, just have a strong talent show。







Nanchang uprising Yingxihong, Huaxia Qianqiu festival ghost male。

There is no noble or cheap work in farming, and there is peace in training and fighting。

The Japanese army was defeated, the earth collapsed and the enemy fell。

The Great Wall is solid with iron walls。


Zhong Yunzhou





Shoulder the responsibility to listen to the party, peacekeeping the world and border protection。






Nanchang uprising died the old system, workers and peasants banner war Jinggang。

For the sake of the people, the people's army has repeatedly made magnificent achievements。







The autumn harvest uprising gathered farmers and soldiers, and washed the dirty flag to the east。

Since the reform of the Sanwan new road, the Red Army has had a pioneer。


Liu Taocai





Who expected the God of mine, now I ask prestige。


Note: The tank was captured by my scouts at night using daggers to cut through the ice and bury mines to break the tracks。


Liao Aimin



-- Remembering the rescue warriors who died in the crash in Wenchuan

The earthquake shook Wenchuan, the disaster area suffering waiting for smoke。

Soldiers were ordered to go to the danger, children love control risk firm。

Hand in hand with the hero over the cliff, the cloud to the top of the layer。

Six kilometers in the air, nine days in mourning。


Li Jiping




When the bottom of a suitcase is deeply buried, the exquisite beauty is still fresh。








The commanding general startled Gan water, and the soldiers bravely shook the sky。

Foundation "August One" red star flash, nine rank Fengyun sword hanging。

Hunting army flag cast in blood, new chapter of the Great Wall。






It has been nine years since I took off my uniform, and the soul of the army has accompanied me in my dreams。

Unforgettable field border month, remember camp comrades-in-arms。

Six years of cold wind sharpening bitter, a lifetime of positive heart。

Great Wall demons in, if there is a call to turn immediately。


Hu Youqing




Raise troops to become righteous Nanchang, blood dyed sonorous war。



Liu Kaitai




The battle of Hongdu began, and the sea turned over the moon。



Zhao Zhifu



Longhua River along the routed troops, vanguard calm not panic。

The bullets were raining, the iron man was rushing like an eagle。

The drums beat, the trumpets sounded, and the snapmale sacrificed his life。

In exchange for the victory of the soul, the arms to shout the immortal words。







Jinggang Chishui sharpening military soul, pagoda spirit long Yaochun。


Retrograde poison field throw life and death, gather force Hongfeng to give up their own body。

Sword of the South Sea shield, return to the great Tong cast pier。


Zhu Shibin




The flag and the hunting horn are loud, and the fleet is majestic。

The missiles are like Lin Chonghao Yu, and the war eagle is like flashing clouds。

Wave by wave lock sea precision, refuse to detect submarine electrical strength。

Fight against hegemony and uphold justice, and share the same hatred and responsibility。




Ode to the Military Soul



Tall tall pine cliff, Cuibai silent border patrol。


The steel gun clenches the soul of the army, and the sword swings justice。






Cherish heroic mourning, Wan Li chase Chong Wei Guolang。

To the battlefield in the news, in the flood awarded MEDALS。

The border should be praised, and the heat should be commended for saving the people。

Do not forget the great achievements, strong soldiers ready in the east。






Rain storm bugle, iron ge golden horse journey。

Drive out the pirates Jiang Jia down, camp reclamation border victory Liu Ying。


Qian Jianming




The world heard the song of the military festival, the long wind into the clouds。



Xiongfeng iron travel Jintang solid, pull sword to protect the soul。


Yang Guangrong




Lying ice covered with snow proud, mighty division to protect the gate。

To defend the territory and guard the border with great ambitions, the hearts of the soldiers are filled with blood。


Yuan Qingqing




The soul of a loyal soldier, dead but alive I alone。

Huaxia mountains and rivers take orders to defend, who invaded inch soil guns to swing。


Luo Liwu





A man of honor, a man of steel against invasion。

Golden time with snow, the sky stand several Kunlun。






Brave and brave to protect the border, the Great Wall of steel momentum。

Eagle hit the blue sky Shenwu exhibition, the ship ran to the sea tiger。








"August 1" gunfire shook the sky, waving the flag and Shouting the city red。

The people's army will overthrow the imperial dynasty and create great harmony。


He Yongzhang




The hunting flag was red with blood and five stars were shining in the sky。

But the period of spring often in China, the powerful Huaimin yong achievements。


Jiao Defu





The United States and Europe conspired to stir up poison waves, and the state-owned strong army town was different。


Swinging the sickle and holding the axe charge the road, the blood monument overflowing with light。

Repeated hardening and sharpening of the sword, sincere with the party。




Shen Zhigang




Across the sand meter plot, the Dian army out of the worry。

The danger along the river is easy, ingenious is the first class。






Every time I recall the sound of Nanchang uprising, my heart surges in praise of Qi soldiers。

Battle robe blood dyed anti-japanese road, male Jianfeng sweep Jiangying。

Listen to the party's command to prevent foreign invaders, life and death for the people have the truth。

Long Haoqi heroic soul cast, protect the country and home steel city。







The battle flag fluttered above the hunting sky, and the trumpet sounded the sky。

Sway and exorcism worship morality, mountains and rivers are singing high。


Li Junde





Nanchang first Yi bright can, red heart blue blood flag charm。南征北战工农赞。英雄劲旅芳辰诞。Aid North Korea to establish a war, the nuclear bomb, the universe is infinite。







Drunk eyes at the foot of the clouds and smoke floating, the breeze to help me up the hill。

Yellow ocean boundary on the heroic, green forest in the memory of the trenches。

Fog lock Longtan waterfall risk, halo ridge cuckoo jiao。

The prairie fire burns heaven and earth, and the revolutionary red flag pours blood。






Nanchang uprising gunfire, the party led workers and peasants war。

To conquer a thousand difficulties, to seek liberation, to carry out the mission of honor。

A wise commander points to the course, and wins many battles。

Admire officers and soldiers for their great achievements, and celebrate the glorious history of the army。


Liu Shanbao





Go through hardships to destroy the enemy, eliminate obstacles to the new chapter。

Drive down Jiang Qiankun Lang, anti-American aid toward Chixian Jian。

Rich country, strong military and heroic, the rise of China triumphant。


Xiao Zhuyun




Spectacular feat of shaking Nanchang, guide workers and peasants will Jinggang。

The army concentric rifle grip, swing the division against the campaign flag。


The foundation of development is blazing, the prairie fire spectrum new chapter。


Mo Houcheng




The people's soldiers are dignified, with steel guns in their hands。

Look to the blue sea of Shenzhou, mind the world to guard the border。


"August One" war flag Tong Yuyu, Jin Ge Tiemai good boy。


Zhu Mingyan




Shangganling clouds shade the sun, strong division fight tigers and wolves。

Resist the United States and aid North Korea through snow and rain, and defend the country through wind and frost。

The enemy bunker is woven with light, and the warriors sacrifice themselves to die。

This is Shenzhou Qi rise, great and prosperous years。


Zhang Xueying





Shouyi Nanchang shook the blue sky, armed resistance to rescue workers and peasants。

Transverse knife horse heroic, pound Jiang drive bonobo ambition。


Jin Ou solid, China takeoff leap dragon。






The sacred fire burns in the autumn harvest well, the Long March is fresh,

Eight years of resistance against Japanese pirates, three years of driving Chiang to the island bay,

New China, with all its difficulties, helped North Korea to defend its homeland against the United States,

The reputation of the people's army was shaken, and the enemy was terrified。


Tan Wangcheng




Every "August 1" sentimentally, comradees-in-arms meet to celebrate the festival。

With the face of the army, imperceptibly tears。

From the Rong Yu is the heart of the wish, the country is more inclined to love。

Did not see when the soldier who regret, dream around want to camp。


Nie Yulong





Nanchang uprising set up the soul of the army, Marxist-Leninist spirit as a pointer。

The Long March sowed seeds into the hearts of the people。

The three mountains fell with a roar, and the war achievements became eternal new。

State solid gold soup is not afraid, coveting animals can not invade。


Song Haoxi





Strategic transfer mountain million heavy, the Red Army northbound Canglong。

In front of the dangerous knife and gun resistance, behind the pursuit of artillery bombardment。

Chishui four spin Jiang Bandit, Min Feng thousands of miles away hero。

The museum Chen reproduces the history of the Long March, and the blood casts the souls of hundreds of generations。







Encirclement and intercept the situation, the Red Army Zunyi from the beginning over。从头越,雄关漫道,战旗风猎。


Wang Wenjie





Tianzi mountain colorful, handsome star looming live dragon body。

Kitchen knife two waist tie, Xiange Honghu flame。


Ding Dezhen




The flames on the Yalu River, the battle flag on the Changjin Lake。

What is the fear of bullets, flesh and blood to fight the world。




Film "Four crossing Chishui" Tucheng battle experience



Encircling and intercept the journey urgent, four cross dial cloud chasing Jiang soul。

From a thousand miles away, Zedong is better than God。




Xiao Dehua





炮火闪荧镜,空袭弹倾稠。中华优秀儿女,热血捍神州。Cold ice sculpture guard the battle, hungry to kill the enemy, manly show。松浪唤英魄,风雪啸坟头。

豺狼恶,欺人甚,慨同仇。金戈铁马,不破楼兰誓难休。Do not be afraid of bombarding, not afraid of ACES, a few servings to choke the throat。青史志镌就,国威剑挥求!


Zhou Chunyan




三军砥砺志如刚,敢打攻坚仗。陆海空天设屏障。御豺狼,银鹰铁甲争先上。Youth without regret, loyalty and openness, build a dream to write a new chapter。


Zhou Chunxiu











The sea of clouds rose to the sky for nine days, and the great man shook hands in Jinggangshan。

The mountains are high and the mountains are high。

Chasing the past, looking at the new face, tourism mecca Burma sages。

Yellow ocean on the gunfire, only look forward to today's national dream round。






Nanchang rain wash dust, iron horse galloping sun and moon new。

Not when the gun is hard, today there is no garden spring。







少云,少云,任火全身喷。纹丝不动铸军魂,铁骨威名震。Discipline as just, awe-inspiring martyrdom, loyalty to the people。众尊,气存,曲咏留佳韵。


Jiang Yongcai





The moonlight was dim and the night was deep. A shot rang out。

Heroic feat standard Qing history, light the four seas chin。






If the face is rosy, shoulder to shoulder across the bearing door。

The sound wave paces the mountains and oceans, and the armor and the steel gun carry the spirit of the soul。

Bend the bow of the horse, and defend the family and the nation forever。

Magnolia blooms north and south, beautiful youth light thick kun。




Zhan Songbai





Yalu River side flames, the king division against the United States to Pingchuan。

Heroes shed their blood for justice, and strong men bury themselves to protect sovereignty。

Ten thousand horses run amok Wolf tiger defeat, three armies battle ghosts and spirits cold。

When the smoke clears, the bullet marks are passed down from generation to generation。






Aid North Korea anti-American teeth and lips, victory flowers another spring。

Ambition Qi drive horizontal duck green, ice freezing war Changjin。









I was a military wife that year, too, and I was always listening。

When the red suit is armed, the POTS and pans are thoughtful。






Born with a straight temper, the North war and the South shock。

Lift Yi Pingliu Longzi exhibition, break the encircling Fujian-Jiangxi Huwei Yang。

To pursue the enemy in the West, to slay the Wolf in the east。

The founding fathers are like a golden beam。


Note: Pingliu refers to Pingliu uprising;Eastern neighbor: refers to neighboring North Korea。


Yang Xianrong






转战三湾编整,勒铭千载奇功。Wanhe trickle to the sea, a red flag to the blue dome, autumn maple patches Tong。


Li Wenxing





Beacon fires burned near the Gan River, and workers and peasants rose up to sweep away the smoke。

Together with the fierce demon slaughter, together deep hide evil bandits。

Remove miasma, cut stubborn, charge the sword light cold。

Nanchang city banners hunt, cast the spirit of the nine worlds。







It is well known that the capital man, the blood of the heart cast the soul of the army。

Loyal to the job to prevent risks, strengthen the platform to dedicate themselves。


Praise all over China, martyrs in the name of eternal。








Officers and soldiers share the same ups and downs, up and down together to drive tigers and wolves。

Branch to build even donate bile, the soul of the army cast iron blood heart。

Cloth blue thread journey danger, spark prairie fire Yaojinggang。


Wang Zhaoxiong





Dadu Bridge, the Red Army two-legged racing wheels。








Ninety-six spring and autumn wind and rain calendar, the soul of the army forever cast a school。







Dare to speak out, take advantage of the opportunity to fight Shandong。

Whimsy is as true as it is false。

The enemy is in chaos, and I am calm。

The mighty division swept the deep autumn leaves, and fought for the Central Plains。


Chen Changming


River All in Red·记百万雄师过大江



滚滚长江,风雷急、雄师百万。挥利剑、炮飞榴弹,残云风卷。The smoke on both sides of the strait was diffuse, and the red flag was displayed with the sound of killing。不畏缩、热血染滩头,仍鏖战。

千帆渡,军号远。攻堡垒,穷追赶。致敌人丧胆,魂飞心颤。The successful battle of annihilation, Nanjing and Shanghai all receive management。捷报传、乘胜进西南,乾坤换。






Nanchang "August one" head gun, seize Jiangshan build armed。

This time, I risk my life and kill the wolves。




Zhu Shihong




Nanchang who shouted, Zunyi correction really bold。

Chishui swing four duqi, hundred groups 渫 blood Qianshan embedded。

Qi drive Jiang Mei Yao Junwei, build brilliant by Pokan。

The earth is also restless in this world, strong military practice will shake the soul。


Xie Yongzhi




Iron horse Jin Ge Zhi Cheng, the blood rain stained the banner。

A hundred regiments fought against the Japanese pirates, and achieved great achievements。


Pei Zeqiu




The past red fire, dream back Wei Wei in southern Xinjiang。

Tianya shower invade body bone, cape waves beat whistle wall。

He put the hammer pliers with the team, and also carried the spatula to do the cooking lang。



Wang Qiongfang





The Red Army's march north was unprecedented。

The helmsman is wise and cunning, and the mighty master is brave and resolute。

Prairie fire to drive the cold night, wake up the spring thunder dawn day。

Pillar navigation all win, three mountains down to build civil rights。


Du Guangqian













When you're in danger, you move forward。

Chishui River terrified the enemy, the journey of ten thousand miles。


Jiang Qunfang




Nanchang uprising gunfire, "August one" military flag hunting。

Sword cold light in addition to Chiang bandit, pillow ready to kill jackal。

Fighter jets are patrolling the airspace and aircraft carriers are patrolling the sea border。



Wende Yeung





Half a lifetime of war and military horses, the risk of death several dangers。

Military victory over the great scholar general, the ruling is still pure and upright。

A strong man is not afraid of hot words, which fear the cold wind。

Ups and downs are common things, noble spirit and dry。


Li Guoxi





Wolf mountain tooth martyrs soul, flying to death cast firm。

Full of blood for the country, just yong Yingzi after kun。


Zhang Fengying




Command the battle brave to seek just, fearless to kill the evil crazy。

For the country for the people show loyalty, a lifetime of heroism。




River All in Red·抗美援朝战争胜利70周年



鸭绿江边,烽烟起,腥风血溢。危岂惧!挺身而起,卫国擎帜。Sword aid towards the rainy total, the saddle and horse blazing。战顽敌,看正义雄风,神无比。

生死共,严律纪。tactics, 奇绩。喜雄师威武,所向披靡。The lips and teeth of the friendship between China and North Korea。凯歌扬,把酒祭英魂,丰碑立。


Hu Lianghan





It is not easy to fight a war when the peninsula to the east is in danger?

Volunteer army duck green span, aid North Korea against the United States to protect the homeland。







Peng Dajunshen wave giant Qiu, kou enemy fear tears double flow。

Aid the dynasty to protect the millet history, good handsome fame forever。


Hu Hongjiang




Blood red, flag hunting dance in the sky。

Flatten the enemy's frontier and build a homeland full of grain。

The mighty ship Shenwei patrols the island, holding the Pixiong tightly。

People call children in the beginning of the heart, the realization of the dream on both sides of China。


Zhang Shuliang





The land of Kyushu is full of sorrow, and the fire blazes in the night sky。

Not a hero is willing to shed blood and dare to rope the dragon。

The military song played a kind of Kunpeng song, and Hua Xia preached Yao Shungong。



Liu Boxiang




The Nanchang War shook up the universe and laid the foundation for the great cause of the future。

Geng Geng Dan Chen coagulation ambition, Yin Hao cast loyal soul。

Quit home to defend the frontier, keep appointments to keep foreign dignitaries。

Party Guan Xiong Shengshi, the revival of Huaxia Wei Township garden。


Shi Minghua




Hengdai Weiwei keep thick kun, through fire and wind。

People's children of the people's courage, home country hero home soul。

Only loyal to the party, not to be insulted in vain。

The history of a hundred years of war is invincible, a man-eating spirit。






Gunshots rang out in Nanchang city, breaking Tengwang Pavilion on the xia。

Zhou He military flag to diffuse, workers and peasants lotus halberd to save China。


Yang Jiajun




The battlefield review, see the people celebrating, the world concern。九秩华年怀浩气,装备精良惊悦。Mighty army, rolling iron, silver swallow in the sky。尖端核武, 导弹神箭更绝。

Looking back 90 years ago, the difficult years, step from the beginning。 继续长征号角响,不忘初心坚决。Good style, the battle will win, listen to the party's voice iron。强军强国,揭开新的扉页。


LAN Zegui




Nanchang uprising ringing guns, gather workers and peasants fighting spirit。

The wind is vigorous, and the Yanhe River is famous。

The long battle to conquer the territory, the bandits took the time to sweep the snow and frost。

The Great Wall of steel into a barrier, peace and stability of the people。







Today, the army Sirungong, love the people and support the government health workers and peasants。

Holding the flag to create Jinggang xing, long March in northern Shaanxi red。

Forcing Jiang to drive out the summer, crossing the river to suppress bandits set the sky。

Aid to North Korea to resist the United States strong wind earthquake, Taiwan Strait military declared a。


Zheng Yuling




Nanchang wind wind banner Yang, the party led workers and peasants to build armed。

Thousands of miles of long March to the world, after years of war began to become steel。

The spaceship is smooth in space, and the aircraft carrier is strong in the sea。

The world is howling today, and the mighty guard our borders。


Han Youjun




The road is dangerous, the cliff is cold, and the bullets are raining。

Must contend pass cloud cliff, emergency military situation before dawn。









巡野步铿锵,靓丽青春最闪光。The mission of the country with pride, Anbang, blood Lang。


Wang Xuezhen




The most handsome soldier in camouflage, standing tall to defend the border。

Red flag hunting military song strong, lofty stone morale。

Riding on a tour of the wind and snow, armed defense of the country's hometown Fang。

Loyal liver righteousness gallbladder hero blood, book on the Chinese splendid chapter。






In August, military songs rang out, and red flags hunted and chased the wind。

Full of blood youth dedication, a Dan xin Zhengqi ang。

Earthquake relief mission, stand guard and guard the border。

Inheriting the martyrs' Lingyun aspirations, the Great cause of eternal voyage。


Oh Jin-young














Home after writing all over the body loose, laughing refers to the heart calls the executioner。

Bullets in vain through the back, butcher knife dare not on the chest。

Li River daily flow of tears, Lishui dynasty Diolixiong。

A bit of heroic soul to Yuelu, Wuchang first number。






The "August One" military flag is different red, and the strange soldiers highlight the sky。

Nanchang Yiyi wind and thunder, the dragon city meeting mighty。

Chase the central plains bandits bandits, Feihong Wan Li build meritorious。

Clank of iron and heart cast, immediately horizontal knife full bow。


CAI Yeguang




Mind the state of the sword, Xiang-Jiangxi group gathered Jinggang。

Dadu Jinsha in addition to thieves, snow mountain grassland brush Yao light。

Thousands of brave troops, punish evil Yang Qing war strong。

Long March spectrum history, red flag Yan Yan Yao east。






Iron horse Jin Ge red school Yang, Nanchang uprising first shot。


Five attacks, defense, encirclement and suppression, eight years of war against the Wolf。

After the river tide waves in front of the waves, strong my military will continue to sail。


Meng Dejin


Like a dream·建军节有感




Li Zhengxi




"August 1" Nanchang armed, people's children hold steel guns。



Zhong Guangyu





The dark hours are burning and the dry wood is burning。

Nanchang cannon sound stubborn enemy timid, five Wells flying decrepit building。

Listen to the party's command and follow orders for the country's defense security。

Pioneer blood in the heart of the "August" fish and water situation。


Zheng Xuejin





The gun rang the old state, the lion awakening spectrum new chapter。

Since then, China has been established in the East, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe。


Yang Zhieh





Banner hunting dance Nanchang, Chongling beacon smoke burning well post。

Anger to Yama wield axe and sword, the military song loud Kyushu Yang。






Nanchang uprising vanguard, deer central plains to see handsome male。

Jiang destroy the dead wood, aid Korea to resist the beauty of the tree。

Western India bully heavy boxing, the north and south natural disasters have rushed。

Defending the country and the people, the people's army made great achievements。


Wan Jinli




Chotsu War Zhaohuanyu, fearless flying, wisdom and courage rushed to the sky。冰雪饥寒志更高。

Risk your life to fight for a strong enemy, millions of heroes, thousands of miles to aid the dynasty。不朽功勋永世标。






















A thousand bombs high, stone broken mountain low lei war soul。

How can you lose an inch of earth if you die? The iron fist shakes the universe!


Zhang Wanjun





The Yalu River is flooded with flames, the banners hold high the heroic battle。陷阵冲锋敌丧胆。雷电闪,枪林弹雨刀光剑。

The Gaima Plateau is bloodied, the Chosin Lake is bloodied。雪地卧姿天地撼。顽敌斩,冰雕人立千秋赞。






Chi Ma Hong all remember the process, chaotic cloud black fog a gun。

Cut through the thorns and stand in the sky。

Iron cable silent mark warriors, clay balls have a trace emerged。

Red heart, blue blood heroic posture cool, the top of the universe Wei Guoying。


Li Chengwu




Invited together to visit Jinggang, red flags spread over the yellow Ocean。


Pull rot break ice spread good news, break dry soup snow pull wild waves。

Now the resort scenery is good, purple cover Evian together。


Tang Chunjin




The trumpet sounds in the sky, the battle flag hunts the sky。

Justice has been upheld through the ages, and we strive for hegemony。

Island guard heroes often ask themselves, home defense strategy is idle。

Dongfeng Express Shenwei show, steel Great Wall arrows hanging。






Blood battle Meizhou grass withered, aiming gun wading cold wind call。



注:193112月,安乡游击队被国民党军警200多人合围于三岔河镇梅家洲村。The head of the guerrillas Qiu Yuzhi, literature Li decided to use the foggy weather fording towards the direction of An you breakout。






From the Hongdu, the mighty wind is the stone road。

Drumhorn Xiao Xiao strong rupp, banners hunting dangerous pass。

Serve the country Qingyun Festival, take righteousness to help the people's blood。

Drink horse heart Chi fresh water, Jiangshan unification drunk thousands of bottles。




Chen Xibin







Tan Zhengguang




炎炎熏风舞,猎猎战旗红。忆惜艰苦卓绝,枪杆造英雄。Together to attack the Japanese aggressors, talk and laugh away Chiang bandits, and show their magic。身置党麾下,捍卫祖国宏。

抗洪险,控骚乱,守天空。初心使命铭记,服务意识浓。Guard border territorial waters, liberation of the Taiwan Islands, Huaxia proud sky。重器镇寰宇,举世共和同。







Heroic deeds move the river city, arouse the roar of workers and peasants。



He Zixin




The wind and snow pressed the cottage, and the Red Army did not worry about difficulties。

Fearlessly forward to open a bloody road, prairie fire lit the world。


Wang Changde




The gunfire in Nanchang shook the rivers and mountains, and the iron horse Jinge was loud and noisy。

The mighty lion drives out bandits, and the valiant men go into battle。


Distinguished service Hui universe, heroic blood drawing new chapter。


Deng Jilin




Three marshal praise Xiaoxiang, six Qi Fang record Yang。

A generation of heroes to support the iron horse, the great sage scholar main line。


Tang Shengbiao





Nanchang uprising rang gunshots, eliminate evil Anbang party intent。

Today, the dream of a strong army and a prosperous country, "August One" under the surge of surprise troops。


Chen Jiehong


Ode to the Military Soul



Garrison in Xinjiang heroic appearance bright, the Great Wall of steel who dare to attack。


Wu Jiashou


Ode to Jianjun


Nanchang cannons shook the east, opening workers and peasants to build armed。

Pull rot destroy withered as roll mat, wise is the party command gun。





建军佳节颂歌扬,百业铸辉煌。The heroic troops fought the enemy and defended the frontier。祖国繁荣兴旺,人民幸福安康。


Liu Zhengzhong

Like a dream·庆祝



The United States emperor committed China no letter, warriors to the earthquake, nine dead high-spirited, the defense of the country and home thought, forward, forward, report the crown enemy escape Dun。


Zeng Qingzhong


River All in Red·致敬加勒万英雄


六月阴云,朔风凛凛寒透彻。昆仑石,龙之鳞甲,岂容分割。Imperial Kou has thrown life and death, garrison Gan sprinkled head blood。起狼烟,烽火出边关,青春别。

披战甲,弘气节。山无缺,旌旗猎。丹心卫国土,沙场刚决。Long arm iron shoulder liver gallbladder strong, sacrifice life feelings。凭谁来,胆敢犯中华,全歼灭。


Zheng Chuanyan









Ren Jiamei





Cross the sea waves for the drum, sharpening the sword soldier blade light new。


During the dinner, but see a cup of wine, calendula first drunk old people。


Hu Linzu


Zhegutian·“八一”Ode to the Military Soul


Nanchang uprising horn sounded, workers and peasants hand in hand on the journey。

It's a war of guns, a war of blood。

Drive Kou Jiang, training heroic soldiers, military Wei Hao engrave inscriptions。







A generation of stars will fall Taixing, Qiuqing moon tears Xiaoxiang。

The end of the world but see hero courage, under the lamp to send words children intestines。


Endure to see the small north sad family sacrifice, since ancient times mountains and rivers hanging country die。


Li An-yun




The first shot is fired at dawn, and the dark night is illuminated。

Worry about where the iron horse, the red flag to the Jinggang。

Hundreds of battles in the field of evil, lion heavy roar Yi east。

Gutian resolution Qiuyao, according to my Great Wall thousands of miles long。






Green mountains dry tears eyes, kitchen knife two cut salt。

Nanchang city gun tight, Sanjin river mountain Kou Wu disabled。

Sweep the bandit people loess warm, meritorious resentment nine days cold。

Military soul shade Zhaoxiang catalpa, Yong Shuai Yingming long sigh with regret。


Liao Shenglin











Lion million set Xu clam, longitudinal horse gallop grab heavy pass。

Courageously attack and frighten the enemy, and march straight into the river and mountains。

King division record Jieyin report, the hero also cut the enemy。

From then on, the central plains wind and waves are quiet, and the name remains in the world。


Yan Shuhua




Beside the water according to the dyke bay, grain abundance cotton sheng good home。

Man's ambition outside the green mountains, noble spirit forever between heaven and earth。


Ancestors have taken the loyalty to take Danxin jade lotus。


Tian Tingxun




The grand ceremony of the platoon is heroic, and the prestige is as sharp as steel。

The golden eagle's bright wings shook the sky, and the group moved iron Maan。

Rockets astonish the world, and the three armies guard the frontier。

Now out of the sheath hanging tau Kok, green sword across the town。


Ma Chuanquan




The sound of the August first cannon was deafening, and seizing power was the leading contribution to party building。

The Red flag hunts the blood of pioneers and leaves its name in history。






The sword ushered in Shanghai autumn。

War when the village dream far, a shoulder hook on the tower。




Ode to Jianjun



First Yi Nanchang fiberfire, grace to try to chip work。



Ren Zeyuan




Army and horse career is long, the journey thousands of miles of step sonorous。

Risk the death of relatives, brave the waves and the flag。

With a sword, with a spear, with a sword to fight a jackal。



Ding Shixian


Ode to the Military Soul


Banners hunting cast the soul of the army, immortal spiritual history。

Every inch of the heart Zhaoriyue, cavity cavity blue blood dyed the universe。

Drive the eight mountains and rivers, down Jiang three autumns heaven and earth。

Prosperous times usher in flowers and fruits, recalling the present thousands of words。


Yao Shaoju




Menglianggu with surprise, force rampant enemy clear。

Cut Jiang Jiajun a point, open the situation to see wisdom。




Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00

