Talk about bamboo Ci

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 3115

 ♦ Summer Ying Yun

    Zhuzhici is a kind of poetic style with folk song created by Liu Yuxi, a poet in the Middle Tang Dynasty。She played an extremely important role in the healthy development of Chinese poetry。

    First, the birth and development of bamboo Ci

    In the Middle Tang Dynasty, the poet Liu Yuxi was banished to Langzhou because of his failure to participate in Wang Shuwen's political reform。

    The poet is open-minded, and although he has been demoted, he is still optimistic。"He worries about the world's worries before the world's happiness."。During the ten years, I traveled all over Wuling and successively to Taoyuan, Anxiang, Linli, Lixian and other places。He went deep into the people, understood the sufferings of the people, and often shared joy with them。Or come to the field, see farmers farming, or participate in temple fair activities, sing with the people。He came to Changde the second year of the first month, came to the suburbs, with the people, saw the people some playing piccolo, some beating drums and gongs, there are singing and dancing, and the song of the bamboo branches, the song is graceful and beautiful, which is like the feathers of the yellow bell, the end is like the sound of Wu。So think of the ancient poet Qu Yuan was relegated to Yuan Xiang, see the local people to meet God when the lyrics are too ugly, then for the people to create "nine songs", Jingchu people, all rejoice。Whenever we welcome God, we must dance with the Nine Songs。The poet thought of this and felt that he should do something for the local people, so he created nine pieces of "Bamboo Ci" for the local people to sing and dance, which greatly enriched the connotation of bamboo song and dance。Bamboo Ci, a new poetic genre, was born in this way。

    The poet Liu Yuxi created the bamboo Ci nine first came out, his friend Bai Juyi first responded to imitation, and then a large number of poets followed suit。Because it is easy to write and learn, not only many regular poets follow suit, but also many folk poets are willing to follow suit。In the period of Ming and Qing dynasties, there appeared a lot of local color bamboo Ci。Such as Changde bamboo, Jiangxi bamboo, Beijing bamboo, Taiwan bamboo, etc。These bamboo poems have different sounds but the same music, different folk customs but the same style。It deeply reflects the folk customs and folk feelings of all places。

    Second, the characteristics of bamboo Ci

    The characteristics of bamboo Ci can be summarized as "four easy", that is, easy to learn, easy to understand, easy to write, easy to spread。This is from the learning and reading aspects, if from the content, form and expression of the study, can be summarized as the following points:

    (1) The language is fluent and easy to understand

    Zhuzhici is descended from folk songs, and the colloquial and slang of the folk can be included in the poetry, and the classics are rarely used。It's easy to read, elegant and popular。Wang Shizhen said in the Biography of Teachers and Friends: "The bamboo branches slightly to the literary language edge of the vulgar, if too much wen algae, it is not true.。He is very accurate, which is a major feature of the Zhuzhi Ci。It is Zhuzhici that uses a lot of colloquial language, slang and local dialect, which has a strong local flavor and life flavor when it is read。

    For example, there is a kind of peddler in Beijing who specializes in selling hair and hair, carrying parcels and small wooden boxes, and often hawking it outside the hotel door in a high-pitched voice with a chamber。There is a bamboo poem that puts the peddling words into the poem。"The noise of selling is loud in the sky, and the street inn is free and easy。"Hu comb drop whatever home, ten copper coins pick out the sample."。The last two sentences put the hawker's hawking words "take home" and "pick out" in the old Beijing dialect into the poem, which makes people feel cordial and vivid, and the image of the hawker will jump on the paper。Another example: Hangzhou a write to sell fruit of the bamboo branch words are also the same, "small street back, osmanthus chestnut white bayberry.。The sender shouted under the eaves, six coppers in a big pile."。The image of a street vendor is also on the page。

    Of course, in the history of Chinese poetry, some literati do not approve of the introduction of common sayings into poetry, such as Yan Yu's "Canglang Poetry" said: "to learn poetry, we must first eliminate five customs: one is the popular style, two is the common meaning, three is the common sentence, four is the common character, five is the common rhyme."。This argument is one-sided。The characteristics of bamboo poems are vulgar. Many excellent bamboo poems in the past dynasties have taste in the light language, emotion in the shallow language, and elegance in the common language。

    (2) no formality, less bondage

    In Lu Lufang's Rhythm Spectrum of Poems and Melodies, there are two forms of Zhuzi Ci: two sentences of fourteen characters in the first case and two rhymes of Pingping and oblique tones, namely Pingping and oblique tones。Example: Hibiscus and tie one heart, flowers invaded lattice eyes should wear。

    As long as the second word of each sentence is used in flat, in addition to rhyme other words are not limited to level and oblique。

    The second box, four sentences twenty-eight characters, the first, second, and fourth sentences are rhymes。即---+|+-,|+-+++-。

    -+|-++|,++-||--。Such as: "mountain peach safflower on top, Shujiang spring water beat mountain flow, easy to decline like Lang Yi, infinite water flow like Nong sorrow.。However, because the words of bamboo branches are harmonious, often the above level and oblique requirements may not be achieved。According to my neighbor's research on the style of Zhuzhici, Zhuzhici takes the folk recumbent style as the normal style and the quatsu sentence as the other style。It refers to the poetic style that is not in accordance with the rhythm and the standard of the tonal pattern。Qing Dong Wenhuan "tone four spectrum diagram" cloud: "To the Zhuzhici, its style is not ancient non-law, semi-miscellaneous ballads, the method of tonal pattern in the opposite, ancient, law between three。Not all use the ancient style, if the sound of nature, it is not limited also。Most of the bamboo branches have seven words, and there are five words。"My concubine lived on the lake, and Lang slept in the city.。Read Lang cold in the middle of the night, see the gate evil。In general, Zhuzi rhymes with flat tones, and there are a few oblique rhymes。Such as "run the world to compete for what, abandon Ma Wujiang horse saliva.。Xiang Wang is dead for no reason, first into the Han court body on the ground。Here things, tears, and lands are oblique tones。

    (3) Poetic style is bright and witty

    All the Zhuzhi Ci, whether from the south or the north;No matter from the Han nationality, or from the minority ethnic groups, almost all have this characteristic。It should be said that this style of poetry is also brought in from folk songs。Yan Jizu of the Ming Dynasty said: "The bamboo poems can be used to laugh instead of scold, with humor to produce depression, and in the past people were good at joking and not for abuse."。Yang Jingting of the Qing Dynasty said in the preface of "Dumen Zao Yong" : "Thinking of bamboo branches to take righteousness, must be in the language of laughter, hidden rules, game talk is hidden in irony."。Indeed, good bamboo poems see charm in humor, hidden beauty in humor, and true feelings in humor。When people read, the straight sense of writing flowers, often in the humorous humor, thought-provoking。The strong artistic appeal of Zhuzhici is deeply loved by readers and highly appraised。For example, there is a bamboo poem written in the Qing Dynasty about the Beijing Six Countries Hotel: "Overseas exotic Feige guess that two flavors are open.。There are not many outside friends, and the red-topped flowers come every day。"Red top flower wing refers to the Qing Dynasty officials, the poem said that this foreign flavor of the restaurant, the dishes are not called the name, and foreign guests are very few, Qing court officials come every day。It satirizes the corruption of the Qing Court。"West Lake bamboo Zhi Ci" has a poem about male and female love: "And hibiscus wins concubine, concubine looks than hibiscus.。How to pass by yesterday, do not look at Hibiscus only look at Nong"。In the poem, a girl asks her beloved: "You said Fleur is prettier than me, then why did you only look at me and not Fleur when you passed here yesterday?。The words of two lovers in love to tease each other's mentality is written very real and vivid, very funny。The humorous style of Zhuzhici has become one of the marks of its difference from the rhythm and the absolute style。As an ancient saying goes, "The intention of the poem should be profound, and the following words should be plain."。It is precisely in the humorous and witty Zhuzhici to turn profound into plain, to achieve the profound and simple artistic conception。

    (4) Rich content and diverse themes

    The contents of Zhuzhici are rich and varied, reflecting various themes。There are men and women love as the content, praise sincere love, such as Liu Yuxi's "willow Qingqing river level", "mountain peaches and red flowers on top"。These two poems express the delicate, delicate and complex psychology of a young girl's first love, and depict them vividly。There is the description of the labor scene, the praise of the beauty of labor, the beauty of creativity。Such as Liu Yuxi's "Layers of peach and plum flowers on the mountain"。There are descriptions of natural scenery, borrow scenery, lead to the poet feeling, such as Liu Yuxi "Qutang noisy twelve beaches", this poem borrows the Yangtze River Three Gorges "twelve beaches" natural danger associated with the state of the world at that time: "Often hate people are not like water, and the waves are leisurely"。There are also descriptions of natural scenery, praising the beautiful mountains and rivers of home, such as Xu Xintian "Keelung bamboo Ci three" one, "lofty fist stone Chu Jiang Wei, had no Xianren practice enough to come。Test the upper stage to see the sea trace, a blue water and floating cup。There are also bamboo poems with chronicle content, which publish the poet's criticism and exclamation on society, politics and economy at that time。In the Qing Dynasty, there is a set of "Dumen Chronicle Baiwei" in Beijing, which was written by two outsiders living in Beijing at that time when they witnessed the Boxer Group entering Beijing and the invasion of the capital by the eight-Power Allied forces。Such as "At the beginning of Shandong more than the people, suddenly extended Baoding and Tianjin.。I am under the chariot have all over, really like the gods will drive the clouds。The poem vividly depicts the scene when the Boxer Group entered the capital。

    Third, the status and function of Zhuzhici

    The poets of the Middle Tang Dynasty closely followed the climax of Tang poetry, and after the two peaks of Li Du and Li Du, they sought different paths in art and made new development。Therefore, the middle Tang Dynasty is a new era of Tang poetry。Liu Yuxi from the study of Yuefu and then to absorb the nutrition of contemporary folk songs out of a new way to write poetry, this new exploration in art, so that Tang poetry to obtain more full development。In particular, in order to meet the needs of the music, the Zhuzhici breaks the constraint of the rhyme;In order to meet the needs of folk language, the use of colloquial and slang into poetry is a new milestone from poetry to ci。

    Secondly, due to the widespread record of Zhuzhici, it preserves a large number of valuable first-hand materials with the characteristics of poetry。History and sociology researchers often find that important historical materials in the official history are simple or not recorded, but often find important historical materials from the Zhuzhi Ci. Those concise notes and beautiful poems confirm and echo each other, reaching the point of complementation。For example, Yang Shiji's "Hunan History Before and after the Revolution of 1911" includes 72 bamboo poems written by people at that time。There is a cloud: "Hongfei in the ze cry, soothe the silent soul.。The people only marginal officials forced chaos, the new army ammunition moved gunfire。After the poem notes cloud: "The army drew bayonets on their guns, wounded dozens of people, and the bricks were torn down and thrown, and Cen Fu ordered the shooting.。For a moment the cry was loud。The author angrily recorded the detailed history of this government-forced civil rebellion。Another example is a song in the late Qing Dynasty, "Donating officials to Zhuzhi Ci," which writes: "The price of work relief donations is cheap, and silver is known to the same people.。Officials call me a sima when they meet me, and draw a big lion by looking at the wall."。This poem uses figures to record the dark reality of buying and selling officials in the late Qing Dynasty, exposing the corruption of Qing Dynasty officials。

    总之,Liu Yuxi innovated a new poetry style of bamboo poems,It not only develops and improves the content and form of Chinese poetry,It had a positive influence on later poets,It played an extremely important role in the development of Chinese poetry.Moreover, it has left precious historical materials for China's social, political, economic and cultural industries,It has played a huge role in China's social and political research。

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