Liu Yuxi's cultural thought and influence in Changde

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♦ Hwang Yeol-silver

    1. Liu Yuxi's ten years in Langzhou (Changde, Hunan)

    Liu Yuxi (AD 772-AD 842) was a thinker, philosopher, litterateur and great poet in the Tang Dynasty。A native of Luoyang, Henan Province, he claimed to be a descendant of Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan in the Han Dynasty。Tang Zhenyuan nine years examination Jinshi, Deng erudite macro Ci section, after the official grant supervision of the imperial history。

    (1) Failed to participate in political change and was demoted

    The once powerful and prosperous Tang Empire, after the havoc of An Shi Rebellion, has been defeated, leaving only a nominal central power。In the decades from Emperor Su, Emperor Daizong to Emperor Dezong, the emperor did not think of making progress, only taking pleasure in himself, completely ignoring the life and death of the people。In the more than 20 years of Tang Dezong, there were Tibetan invasions and wars, and there were eunuchs in power and treacherous ministers in power。In the 21st year of Zhenyuan (805 AD), the Dezong emperor Li Shi died, and Shunzong advocated the elimination of malpractices and the prosperity of the country after his succession。Liu Yuxi participated in the political revolution of Wang 伾 and Wang Shuwen. Due to the powerful eunuch clique and vassal power, he forced Shunzong Emperor Li Tan to abdicate. In 806, Liu died of depression and crown Prince Li Chun became emperor, resulting in the failure of the revolution in 146 days。So that Wang Shuwen was given death, Liu Yuxi, Liu Zongyuan, Chen Jian, Han Tai, Wei Zhiyi, Han Ye, Ling Zhun, Cheng Yi and other eight people were demoted, this year is the year of Yongzhen Yuan (805) called "Yongzhen reform", also known as "two Wangba Sima" event。

    Liu Yuxi wrote in his poem: "Bazhong Chu water desolate, abandoned in twenty-three years。Nostalgia empty Yin wen Fu, to the township turned like rotten Ke people。The side of the sunken boat thousands of sails, the sick tree in front of the spring。Listen to your song today, temporarily with a glass of wine long spirit。In the 23 years of being demoted and not depressed, but Mo Sang Yu late, for the Xia Shang sky, play up the spirit, welcome the spring。After the failure of his reform, Liu Yuxi was demoted for 23 years, successively to Langzhou (Changde in Hunan Province), Lianzhou (Lianzhou in Guangdong Province), Kuizhou (Fengjie in Chongqing), and Hezhou (Anhui and Zhou)。In the era of the Emperor Shunzong, Pei Du, who was struck down several times and served as prime minister, was an expert in governing the world, with a sense of justice, sympathized with Liu Yuxi, and strongly recommended him as the master of Rites, and later became the Master of Rites。Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan (demoted Hunan Yongzhou), Bai Juyi are iron friends, friendship is deep, very love, such as Liu Zongyuan learned that Liu Yuxi was demoted Bozhou (Guizhou Zunyi), Liu Zongyuan night to the emperor, willing to exchange with Liu Yuxi on the transfer, so that he was transferred to Guangdong Lianzhou。They have high achievements in prose and poetry literature。For example, Liu Yuxi's "Humble House" and Liu Zongyuan's "Snake Catcher" are still read in the family。In terms of poetry, they sing with each other, and their creative techniques are very new, which is the forerunner of creation in the history of Chinese literature。

    (2) Ten years in Langzhou (Changde)

    "Willow Qingqing river level, smell the Lang river singing songs。Sunrise in the east and rain in the west, the road seems sunny and sunny。Expressed Liu Yuxi's feelings for Changde。Liu Yuxi was banished to Langzhou (Changde) for ten years, although he was a high-ranking official of the court from the capital of Chang 'an to this wilderness, a sinecula with no power and low rank, he still believed that the country can only be prosperous and powerful by innovation。Liu Yuxi is open-minded,Be optimistic,Walk through the mountains and rivers here,Extensive contact with the people,Understand the sufferings of the people,He has written more than 200 famous poems such as "Hanshou City Spring Look", "One Hundred rhyms of You Taoyuan", "Walking on the Embankment", "Taoyuan Walk", "Dongting Lake Autumn Walk", "Junshan Nostalgia", "Outing", "Wuling Book Huai Fifty rhyms", "Collecting Ling Lines", "Bamboo Zhizi", "She Tian Travel", "Looking at Dongting", "Competing Ferry Song",Rooted in the hearts of the people,It is a spiritual treasure for future generations。

    During Liu Yuxi's demotion, he went deep into the area of Langzhou and 800 li Dongting Lake and Yuanshui River basin。He wrote "Looking into the Dongting" with figurative artistic techniques, which has a good aftertaste, and does not imitate the seven unique poems to appreciate his ideology, morality and literature and art。"The lake and the autumn moon are in harmony, and the pool has no mirrors。Looking at Dongting landscape color, silver plate in a green snail。Liu Yuxi came to Dongting Lake on an autumn evening, with a bright moon hanging high in the sky。The bright moonlight quietly sprinkled to the earth, the vast Dongting lake, like covered with a layer of white gauze, the clear lake will reflect the moonlight, moonlight and the lake, the surrounding mountains and trees vaguely reflected on the lake。The whole Dongting Lake looks like a bronze mirror that has not been polished. Looking from a distance, the Dongting water is clearer and the Dongting mountains are more verdant。It looks like a carved silver plate with a small and exquisite green snail。The two complement each other and complement each other, as if walking into a beautiful painting scene, showing the author's rich imagination。The whole four-sentence poem of twenty-eight characters, using metaphor, descriptive, implicit, and borrowed techniques, will describe, lyric, discussion in one, the refinement of artistic conception and artistic deliberation together, worthy of being an elegant and exquisite artistic masterpiece。

    (3) Feelings for Langzhou (Changde)

    Liu Yuxi lived at a time when the flourishing Tang Empire was beginning to decline。His fate can not be controlled, he from the high official to the small official sinecure, from the prosperous Chang 'an to the desert of Langzhou, a stay is ten years, is really life and death, wealth in the day。He was still constantly learning, capturing the pastoral scenery of Langzhou, working hard on the people's livelihood, reflecting the sufferings of the people, playing to the court, and leniently soothing the people, showing his hard and venting of humanity, affection and benevolence。I have also paid homage to Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Source", and I want to live the life of the pure land of Xanadu like the majority of the toiling masses, but all this has come to naught and cannot be realized。

    Liu Yuxi was not afraid of power and despised the powerful, such as when he was relegated to Anzheng and Zhou, the local officials looked down on him, was arranged in a small shack near the river, and wrote on the wall, "In the face of the big river, watching the river sails, the body is debating with the state.。His "Name of the Shabby House" is still read in the family。"The mountain is not high, there is a fairy name, the water is not deep, there is a dragon spirit, this is a cottage, but my virtue Xin.。Moss marks on the steps of green, grass color into the honest ", "talk and laugh have a great scholar, there is no white ding, you can tune the piano, read the gold classics, no silk and bamboo ears, no documents of work.。"Nanyang Zhuge Lu, the cloud pavilion of Western Shu, Confucius said, how ugly there?Just 18 sentences and 81 words, showing his noble sentiments and firm faith。It is also a person who is unyielding in terror, in danger, and despises dignities and rapists 侫, but still sticks to integrity, honor and disgrace, calmly and unchanged, which reflects the style and sentiment of optimism, romanticism and great virtue, and is also a comprehensive reflection of the poet's talent and ideological realm。Also such as the poem "Collecting Ling Line" is Liu Yuxi wrote Dongting White Horse Lake, which has "Quping Temple under the Yuanjiang River, the moon light cold wave white smoke.。A song of southern sound here, Chang 'an north look three thousand li。It also reflects his ideological sentiment and artistic level。Liu Yuxi also wrote more than 400 pieces of thoughtful and artistic prose, which shines with his ideological belief, firm and persistent, loyal and patriotic feelings, and the author's heartfelt voice and soul participation。Liu Yuxi wrote articles such as "Theory of Heaven", which believed that the relationship between heaven and earth and heaven and man, and proposed that "the almighty of heaven gives birth to all things.。"The power of man governs all things.。To the development and change of the objective world, he also put forward three philosophical categories of "principle, number and potential"。The function of nature lies in "producing all things", and the function of man lies in "governing all things", refuting the popular philosophical views of "karma" and "heavenly and human interaction" at that time。It is a new contribution to materialist atheism and a new development of man's victory over nature。

    Second, the influence of Liu Yuxi's cultural thought in Changde

    Liu Yuxi in Changde ten years, more than a thousand years later in the reform and opening up today, in the period of realizing the Chinese dream, Changde city excavate Liu Yuxi's cultural thoughts, as a cultural industry, cultural brand management, as a driving economic and social development to consider, his celebrity effect brings social and economic benefits。According to the requirements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government in the construction of Dongting Lake Economic Zone, the municipal Party committee and the municipal government have advanced consciousness and forward-looking vision for development, and have made great efforts, great actions, great investment and great development。Led 6.3 million people of 23 ethnic groups in Changde to create more than 10 exquisite business cards such as national-level civilized city, excellent tourism city, health city, garden city, charm city, poetry city, and science and technology progress city。In Liuye Lake built Liu Yuxi Sima building, sculpted Liu Yuxi's image, eight hundred miles of Dongting more beautiful, become a paradise, a happy place Dongtian。In 2012, the number of tourists in Changde reached 10 million, and the tourism income reached 52 percent.5亿元。Its development confirms Liu Yuxi's thousand-boat race and the scene of all trees in spring。The author believes that the influence of Liu Yuxi's cultural thought in Changde is as follows:

    1. It plays an important role in promoting the national spirit。Changde has a long history of more than 2,300 years. In this ancient and magical land, countless legendary human stories have been played out, and scenic spots, cultural landscapes and natural ecological tourism resources have been left in harmony with beautiful mountains and rivers。Liu Yuxi in Changde ten years, more than a thousand years, his thought, culture, spirit, soul has been integrated into the whole Huxiang culture, inspiring not only Changde people, but also Hunan and Chinese people。Generation after generation of Changde people, people inherit and carry forward, the kind of "congenital worry and worry, the day after tomorrow under the joy and joy" of worry and joy feelings, the kind of hard work, hard work, dare to be the first and eat hard, endure trouble, and quite the spirit。Liu Yuxi in Langzhou ten years, left hundreds of poems, the essence of the essence is the country, patriotism, governance, strong belief, which is consistent with the rejuvenation of the country, the realization of the Chinese dream。胡锦涛说“文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园”,在党的十八大提出推进“文化强国”的时代,具有重要的历史意义和伟大的现实意义。

    (2) It is of great significance to strengthening cultural construction。Liu Yuxi's cultural thoughts and life values, affect the future generations, his thoughts of heaven and man victory, unyielding spirit, patriotic thought and culture integration。Changde, Henan and Anhui are also digging, sorting out and exploring Liu Yuxi's cultural thoughts。The Liu Yuxi Research Association has been established in Changde, and the Poet's Festival, Peach Blossom Festival and cultural forum have been held. The dragon boat culture, landscape culture, Wuling culture, Quchu culture and Huxiang culture formed in Changde continue the history and culture of thousands of years。
3. It is of great significance to the realization of the Chinese dream。习近平主席说:“回首昨天,雄关漫道真如铁,珍惜今天,人间正道是沧桑,展望明天,长风破浪会有时。Liu Yuxi's cultural thoughts as well as his poetry and character,To carry forward traditional culture and promote civilization progress,Increase cultural soft power,Transfer the positive energy of society,Reinforce the right values,To realize the great rejuvenation dream of the Chinese nation,It is of great significance to build a moderately prosperous society in which the country is strong and the people rich, the economy is prosperous, the nation is revitalized, the people are happy, the society is civilized and the ecology is beautiful。

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