Appreciation of "Seeing the peach Blossom fall with the stream feeling"

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 12926

* Zhou Xigui

See the peach blossom fall with the stream down feel

Eu Yan Cheung

Cui Lang Xu is late Jia about, a heart gone far shore。
Smile and ask in a hurry, when idle to enjoy the flowers。

    The opening line of the poem, "Cui Langxu is Chi Jiayuo", reminds people of the moving love story of Cui Hu and Jiang Niang and his famous poem "Titu City South Zhuang" : "Last year today in this door, the faces of peach flowers are red。 People don't know where to go?Peach blossoms still smile spring breeze。Through the twists and turns of the magical "peach blossom edge", people are introduced to the best。Where was the young man who was in his prime of life, magnificent and brilliant?Thus the question of the transposition has made a better foundation。Bearing the sentence "a heart gone far shore", in front of the peach forest, peach blossom burning, full of branches, the breeze blowing, fragrance around people, like the innocence and beauty of the girl, to show people a touching appearance, is haunting。However, the spring is short, the peach blossom is easy to fall, and the water is merciless, which shows the author's ingenuity。Laugh and ask the famous and rich in a hurry.,This is from Cui Hao, "Ask the famous and rich people on the roadside",Cui Hao at that time was like a traveler on the road,It's not like I'm chasing fame and fortune,But once I see the lofty image of the West Mountain and the fairy trail of the dust,It's a little too transsexual,"Why live here?",Lament why they bother to rush about in the bumpy career。In the poem, "laughing and asking" is more amusing, which can be described as another way。Do not like to see profit on greed, no achievements to see the name of the people is also funny。Even in pursuit of fame and fortune regardless of means。"Laugh to ask" needs courage, can be understood as daring to ask。"Laugh and ask" needs mind, can be understood as tolerance。A sentence of "when do you enjoy flowers at leisure" is just right to ask, to convey the sense of beauty to the reader, and to leave the artistic enjoyment of beauty to yourself。So it looks cool and free, elegant。Those who come and go in a hurry after fame and fortune, do not make the mistake of thinking that fame can be advantageous, advantageous in exchange for almost everything they need。Pay too much moral and legal cost and you will never be happy again!Lu Ji's "Wen Fu" said, "look at the past and present in a moment, and touch the world in a moment.。The poet opens his imagination, borrowing his eyes from the prospect, saying ordinary things, and the artistic conception is unique and expressive。Moreover, can be extraordinary, since ancient times because of the red and cherish the spring of many。This poem uses the allusions of Cui Hu and Jiang Niang to reveal the beauty of ordinary life, endow it with new ideas, and is full of the spirit of The Times, which can play a miraculous effect of purifying the soul and recuperating the spirit。Its color is romantic, arousing imagination, causing infinite emotion。Poet friend GUI Wang commented on this poem, "the dragon is exploring pearls, not fun", which is quite accurate。

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