Neutralize the bland taste long

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-- Read Dong Biwu's Selected Poems

Tuyun Bridge, Hubei Province

    The Selected Poems of Dong Biwu, edited by the Dong Biwu Thought Research Institute in Hubei Province, has collected nearly 140 poems of various kinds created by Dong in different historical periods, and more than 160 manuscripts of poems, which are classified into four parts according to the subject matter and content: "sympathetic", "mourning", "inspirational" and "handwriting"。

    Reading "Dong Biwu selected Poems", magnificent, inclusive, common language, high and far。Throughout the book, what impressed me most were the dozens of poems about the deep feeling and memory of Dong Lao's hometown, which were characterized by "neutralization and long taste"。

    The existing problems of contemporary poetry creation are mainly manifested in the fact that it is not mature enough to reflect all aspects of hot modern life with the form of old poetry。Bai Juyi: "Articles are written for the time, songs and poems are written for the work"。This volume of Dong Lao's poems can be said to be a model of "pen and ink should follow The Times", please see his "Smell the Yangtze River Bridge completed and opened to traffic" :

    Jianghan three cities separated, shape into the tripod;Only with the terrain is convenient, quite hinder the traveler to move;Profit involved in capital boats, wind and tide back。Dream fairy scepter, like to see iron bridge suspension。Wuhan even a gas, turtle snake at both ends。The flow is endless and the path is unbiased。Transshipment increases potential, engineering expands thousands。The mountains are green, and the clouds are white。Yellow Crane Tower is not old, Qingchuan pavilion is still full。Tour view at the end of the day, what causes sorrow?

    The completion of Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is a great achievement in the architectural history of new China. How to use traditional poetry to describe the contemporary construction project is a problem worth exploring and thinking for every poet。Written on October 8, 1957, the poem is clear and clear, and it mixes romance and reality well。At first glance, it is a work written by contemporary people about contemporary matters. The author uses contemporary people's vision and traditional poetry to write about the heartfelt joy in his heart after the completion of the Yangtze River Bridge, full of excitement and pride for the great achievements of the construction of new China, and expresses his love for the former place of Jingchu。The poem begins with Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang, which are blocked by the Yangtze River and the Hanshui River. Due to the terrain, the traffic of the people in the three towns and the travelers from south to north is inconvenient, which seriously affects people's lives。The author's dream turned into an iron bridge and finally came true. The completion of the bridge connected the two sides closely together, facilitated people's exchanges, and promoted social progress and economic development。Finally, Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower" concludes: "Tour view the day at dusk, what causes sorrow?Praised the completion of the Yangtze River Bridge: "Transport increases the potential, the project grows thousands.。"The whole poem starts, carries, turns, and ends naturally, in one go, a rhyme is in the end, the rhyme is clear, the rules are orderly, the language is simple, the emotion is real, and the form of old poetry is a good expression of new things.。This point has a good reference significance for today's poetry writers。

    Look again at the author's seven wonders "Hong 'an Qiliping" written on the morning of March 14, 1958:


Remnants of the old battle mark, the rebel base name。
Now the construction can leap forward, worthy of that year's Qiliping。

    The poet showed in front of us Hongan Qiliping, still left the scars of the war, let people look back on the hot battle years of the base。The third sentence turns to reality, during the Great Leap Forward era, Qiliping, like the whole country, was also involved in the flood of The Times, and the poem is deeply marked with the brand of The Times。Last year, I went to see the poem together with several poets. Fifty years after Dong Lao wrote this poem, "the remnants of the old war still remain", which makes people feel deeply。Also titled "Hongan Qiliping" :

I remember when the doctrine of flowers, bullet marks a slanting sunset。
Spring breeze awakens jute land, blood urges open happy home。


    Then we look at the author wrote on May 8, 1962, another seven-song "First to Macheng" : in the spring of 1911, Yu taught in Macheng Primary School, you have been fifty years。Then to Macheng, the face has changed greatly, happy and chant。

Since May Day, rivers and mountains have been a market place。
The people build a new life by themselves, and they share the banner of peace。

    The author has been away for half a century, delighted to see that Macheng has changed, the old look has changed, the people are masters of their own country, and they are happy to build a new life, and all this comes from the jute uprising in that year。

    "War disturbs and disturbs and disturbs and disturbs and disturbs and disturbs and disturbs and disturbs and disturbs。"When the world will be decided, the outcome will be decided by the people。The answer can be found in the author's poems before liberation。Read the author's "Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the Jute Uprising" of October 28, 1962 (the second paragraph of the last sentence) :


Twenty-two years of ups and downs, jute revolution surge waves。
The three mountains eventually moved away, the party led workers and peasants to sing triumphal songs。

Start a prairie fire, the stars, but burn the river Huai evil root。
Heroic struggle results partner, the mountain everywhere to see the new village。

    These two quatrains are in the same vein as "The First arrival in Macheng", expressing the happy feelings of "the three mountains eventually moved away, the Party led the workers and peasants to sing triumphal songs", "the heroic struggle results, the new village is seen everywhere in the mountain area"。This joy is hard won, "22 years of ups and downs, jute revolution surge waves.。"The future has a bright road, don't forget the twists and turns in Tibet.。"To pull the tide in the fallen, not with the common customs and destruction.。The author, together with countless revolutionary martyrs, fought bloody battles for the founding of the Party and New China, showing the author's lofty revolutionary spirit, not proud of his achievements, the noble character of "willing to serve the people and be ashamed of being an official", and the fine moral sentiment of "sharing pains with the masses" and the pragmatic style of pursuing truth in his life。

    Dong Lao is not only an outstanding revolutionary, but also an outstanding educator, is the founder of Wuhan Middle School, and has a special fondness for education to rejuvenate the country。In November 1963, in the four-character poem "in Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Wuhan University", he praised the performance of Wuhan University in the past 50 years: "We have deep roots and deep leaves, and we are really loud.。Expectations for Wuhan University to train talents: "Love labor, service workers and peasants.。"To build the motherland, before civilian use。Finally, the end sincerely praised the beauty of Wuhan University's human geography: "Luojia mountain, East Lake water.。The mountains are high and the waters are long。”

    Dong Lao also has "Wuchang East Lake nine female Dun", "Problem Shi Yang Martyrs Tomb" and a number of chant about Hubei hometown, limited to space, here is not a list。

    In 1942, the author wrote a poem titled "Pu's coming book is very ambitious, and the poem promotes it" :

Guguet cough spit total chapter, quality beauty also suspect embellished injury。
The description may as well be written truthfully, and the bland taste is long。

    "Seemingly ordinary is the most extraordinary, easy but difficult.。This poem is a message from the author encouraging his student Yuan Puzhi, in fact, it is not a portrayal of Dong Lao's own poetry。Dong Lao's poems are like his people, approachable, without official AIRS, not piling up words, such as Tao's poems use ordinary language to say, one word。既言简意赅,律切精深,情深意远,又深得温柔敦厚的传统诗词精髓,深得毛泽东同志的赞赏,和毛主席及众多开国元勋的诗词一道在共和国的诗词史上放射出永恒的光芒。The artistic characteristics of Dong Lao's poetry can be summed up in a word: "neutral and plain taste is long.。”

    In short, we read "Dong Biwu's selected Poems" today, to further understand his revolutionary career and the essence of poetry calligraphy art, to further study Dong's thought, inherit the legacy of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, to establish their own correct outlook on life, world, honor and disgrace, poetry and so on can play a good role。Learning Dong Lao's poems will help us to further improve the level of poetry creation and better express the new era with traditional poetry。

    Author Tu Yunqiao Address: No. 2-4-1, Sanfei Police Building, Hui 'an Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, China Zip Code: 430062

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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