Vigorously promote the martial spirit of Chinese military poetry

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Yao Tianhua in Beijing


    Shangwu refers to advocating military affairs and paying attention to military or martial arts。The martial spirit refers to the various spiritual qualities that human beings need to defeat the enemy in armed conflicts. It is a spiritual expression of advocating martial arts, loving the army, striving for progress, making heroic sacrifices, and defending the country。In times of peace, the martial spirit is a kind of tenacity, a kind of blood, a kind of human dignity, a kind of passion。From ancient times to the present, the Chinese army poetry swords and swords, horses neighing, banners hunting, vigorous, full of martial spirit。Those magnificent poems reflecting the experience and thinking of the soldiers on the war and life, all give people the shock of the soul, the spirit of inspiration and the enhancement of personality。As a valuable literary and artistic resources and spiritual wealth,Chinese military poetry has its unique ideological value and artistic charm,Exudes a brilliant brilliance,To inspire contemporary soldiers to carry forward patriotic feelings,Cultivate a military spirit,Build the will to fight,Build up the belief that you can fight and win,实现习近平主席提出的党在新形势下的强军目标,It has important practical significance。

    The martial spirit is a sharp sword that sharpens a soldier's will to fight

    As an ancient saying goes, "Wen is strong, Wu is strong.。Military spirit has always been the way of survival of a country, often the source of national power and the great thrust of national prosperity。For the army, as a concentrated embodiment of the overall mental outlook and temperament of the army, it is the blood and professional spirit of the army, an important part of the army's combat effectiveness, a driving force to mold sentiment, stimulate enthusiasm for training and temper the fighting spirit, and a magic weapon for an army to defeat the enemy。The core of the martial spirit is patriotic dedication, advocating military morality, not afraid of strong enemies, not afraid of difficulties, firm will, and unremitting self-improvement。

    The cloud of military art: "The united army gathers gas, and the purpose is to excite gas";"Qi is actually fighting, and qi is taken away."。Nothing can be done without God。If a man can't concentrate, he can't get anything done。In the same way, an army, if there is no bold bold, who else's courage, indomitable morale, can not win the battle。Soldier spirit is better than weapons, as a soldier, it is very important to be good at concentrating on the spirit, and constantly gather the spirit of not afraid of difficulties, the courage to face the strong enemy and the heroic spirit of shedding blood on the battlefield。毛泽东主席在抗美援朝胜利后深有感触地说:“美国钢多气少,我们钢少气多。The "qi" mentioned here refers to the martial spirit of loyalty and devotion to the country。

    Military spirit is an important part of national spirit。As a Chinese nation with 5,000 years of profound cultural heritage, it has its own unique martial spirit。This distinctive national feature has been fully interpreted in the Chinese military poetry, especially in the ancient Chinese military poetry, and has become one of the remarkable characteristics of the ancient Chinese military poetry。Among them, the word "Wu Gou", as the essence and symbol of the martial spirit of the Chinese nation, has been intoned and praised by countless literati and people with lofty ideals for thousands of years。Wu Gou, also known as the golden hook, is a curved knife。It was named because it was made in the State of Wu。Wu Yue is the spring and autumn Wu, Yue collectively refers to the area of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui。"The Book of Han • Geography" said: "Wu Yue people are still brave, so its people use swords, light death easy。Historian Lu Simian called it "a light death with a sword."。Hubei Museum has the treasure of the town hall, the King of Yue Gou Jian sword, which has a height of 55.7 cm, where the stem length is 8.4 cm, in fact, is "the world's short soldiers", not "light death" can not be used。"A light death with a sword" is not a good death with a sword, but "where the way is, although thousands of people I have gone;When righteousness is, the daughter does not regret "generous righteousness。The poet Li Bai was not only brilliant in writing, but also in swordsmanship。His "fifteen good swordplay", "swordplay since understanding", the attainments are extraordinary, in the Tang Dynasty can rank second (under Pei Min)。According to statistics, in Li Bai's poems of the Tang Dynasty, the word "sword" appears 107 times, distributed in 106 poems, accounting for about 10% of the total number of poems。It can be seen how much Li Bai loved the sword。Li Bai always wears a sword. Here, the sword is not a symbol of force, but a cultural symbol and a symbol of martial spirit。Sword has sublimated into a kind of essence of Chinese culture, it represents a kind of domineering, a kind of self-confidence, a kind of power。Wu Gou has left the future generations with extraordinary significance. The martial spirit demonstrated by Wu Gou has shaken the hearts of the people of China, and has become a sharp sword that has sharpened the fighting will of officers and soldiers since ancient times, inspiring countless Chinese sons and daughters to leap across the sword, gallop thousands of miles, and fight bravely。

    Chinese military poetry is full of strong martial spirit。Open the history of Chinese poetry, into the vast expanse of military poetry, a magnificent picture of eulogizing the spirit of martial arts came: "Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my armor soldier.。Go with the Son!"(The Book of Songs "Qin Wind • No Clothes") The reason why the state of Qin developed from a small tribe into a sweeping Qin dynasty in the Spring and Autumn is closely related to the martial spirit of the Qin people;"The body is dead, God to the spirit, the soul Yi Xi for the ghost.。(Qu Yuan's "The Death of the Nation") shows the heroic aspirations of the soldiers to sacrifice their lives on the battlefield and to be a ghost;"The wind rustling Xi easy water cold, a strong man gone Xi no longer return!"(Jing Ke "Easy Water Song") sang Jing Ke's spirit of dedication to the death with great righteousness, no hesitation and generosity;"When you are in trouble, your body is dead and your soul is flying。(Ruan Ji's "Wing") is a vivid portrayal of the spirit of heroism;"Cunning over the monkey monkey, brave if leopard chi", "sacrifice to the national disaster, see death suddenly as return.。(Cao Zhi "White Horse") has shaped the fearless spirit of the young chivalry who is committed to martial arts, brave and good at fighting, and faces the death;"Sword head is as sharp as awn, always keep a light eye。(Wu Jun "Hu no Man") depicts the hero holding a sword carefully looking at the expression, reflecting a strong love of military training spirit;"What is from military music?The round trip is as fast as flying。(Liu Xiaoyi "From the Army") by Huo Qubing and Wei Qing jointly attacked the Xiongnu and flattened the battle of the King's Court, and warmly praised the Han Army's brave and tenacious fighting spirit and the joy of military victory;"The bowstring holds Han Moon, and the horse's feet practice Hu dust。(Luo Bin Wang "from the Army") presents the battle scene of the army chasing north and inserting the enemy's belly, which makes people see the kind of soldiers who have my invincible blood;"It is better to be a centurion than a scholar。(Yang Jiong "Army Line") expressed the ambition of joining the army and protecting the border and defending the country;"Yellow sand in gold armor, not broken Loulan will not return.。(Wang Changling's "Military Line") revealed the brave oath of the battle-weary soldiers, like the horn that cuts through the sky, giving people encouragement and encouragement;"But make the dragon city fly will be in, do not teach Huma to do Yin mountain.。(Wang Changling's "One") The tone is high, the momentum is vigorous, and the admiration and desire for outstanding generals are conveyed;"Who knows not to the side court bitter, longitudinal death still smell chivalrade incense.。(Wang Wei "Young Line" second ") is full of heroes and heroines that fearless, sword, heroic passion for life;"You don't laugh when you're drunk on the battlefield?”(王翰《凉州词<其一>》)以豪放的风格描述了征戍战士饮酒作乐的情景,表达了他们置生死于度外,勇于牺牲的豪迈气概;“功名只向马上取,真是英雄一丈夫。(Cen Can's "Sending Deputy Li to the Morainian West official Army") shows a kind of heroic pride, conveys the fire of passion, so that many readers are excited for it;"Why not take Wu hook, collect Guanshan fifty states.。”(李贺《南园<其五>》)生动地表达了诗人急切的救国心愿,成为无数热血男儿矢志报国的座右铭;“会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。(Su Shi's "Jiangcheng Zi • Mizhou Hunting") Outlines a heroic image of pulling a bow and shooting, heroism, and extraordinary spirit, and expresses incisively and vividly the blood and heroic feelings that run through the rainbow;"Eat Hurupp meat with ambition, drink Xiongnu blood with laughter。(Yue Fei "Manjiang Hong") true and fully reflect the author's full of blood and heroism in serving the country, is a magnificent, read through the ages;"When you are drunk, look at the sword and blow the horn in your dream.。(Xin Qiji "Breaking the Age • for Chen Tongfu to write strong words to send") through the creation of a heroic artistic conception, reflects the poet's desire to kill the enemy to serve the country, restore the motherland, establish fame, and vent his righteous indignation;"I would like to cut Loulan with my sword under my waist.。(Li Bai's "The next Song") expresses the poet's ambition to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy for the country in a generous, strong and firm tone;"Look at the blood one after another, the death festival has never been Gu Xun?(Gao Shi "Yan Gexing") shows the spirit of soldiers and the enemy, fighting bloody battles and facing the death;"Only the battlefield for the country to die, why do you need to wrap the body.。(Xu Xilin's "Out") embodies the generosity and fighting spirit of good men who shed blood, sacrifice their lives and go to the danger without looking back;"Spend thousands of dollars to buy a treasure knife, mink fur for wine is also proud。(Qiu Jin "To wine") shows the heroic character of the heroine who despises money and the spirit of sacrifice who is willing to give up all personal things for the cause of revolution...。

    Review these sonorous and fierce, throwing the ground like thunder, let people's blood boiling battle poems, poets shaped a war picture, a hero is so magnificent, fresh and vivid。Those Jingge Tieman, chomping Fengyun war scenes and transmission of soldiers committed to serve the country, swallowing mountains and rivers, blood stained the momentum of the battlefield, let us fall in love, full of pride。They show the kind of fearless enemy, dare to show the sword, give me who the military spirit and defend the home and the country, serving the dedication of the field, startling the world, weeping ghosts and spirits, breathtaking, tearing people down。So far to read, still let people's blood flexing, emotional。In these military poems full of strong and fiery feelings of patriotism and masculinity,We seem to hear the sound of drums and drums, shaking the sky and earth;Saw the mighty image of the galloping war horse and the mighty warrior;I felt a kind of passionate, death-facing heroic spirit and the burning feelings of sacrifice for the country,Inspired countless soldiers to perform the duties and obligations of soldiers with a sense of sheer loyalty and going through fire and water。
The military spirit of the soldiers is the source of power to win the war, which is proved by Huo Qubing, general of the Hussars, who stormed the Xiongnu。Huo Qubing (140 BC -- 117 BC), Han nationality, Hedong County Pingyang County (now southwest of Linfen, Shanxi), the Western Han Dynasty general, military strategist, Dasima, general of Pyu, is an outstanding military genius in Chinese history, often victorious general。He is flexible, pay attention to the strategy, not adhere to the ancient method, brave and decisive, good at long-distance attack, win every battle, war achievements。At the age of seventeen,Emperor Wudi appointed him lieutenant of Pyao,He went out with the army,Lead the 800 Light Horsemen in assault mode,Storm for hundreds of miles,Behead the enemy,Perform outstanding service,Killed 2,028 people, including the Ji Ruo Hou, Prime Minister, and Dang Hu of Shan Yu's grandfather's generation,Capture single in uncle Luo Gu than alive,Make a surprise victory,And their own loss is very small。Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty named him the "champion Marquis" for his war achievements, and praised him for his bravery in the army, and the word "champion" came from this。In the autumn of 121 BC, Huo Qubing went to the Yellow River to receive his surrender。He was alone in danger, not afraid of life and death, with only a few personal soldiers rushed into the Xiongnu camp, faced the Hun evil king, ordered him to kill the mutineers, thus subduing 40,000 soldiers and 8,000 disorderly soldiers outside the tent, so that the territory of the Han Dynasty, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan, Dunhuang four counties, Hexi Corridor officially incorporated into the Han Dynasty。This was the first time in Chinese history to face the surrender of foreign slaves, which not only made the Han people who had suffered from the invasion of the Huns for a hundred years feel proud, but also made the Han people have confidence in being strong。Since then, the Han army's military power, and the nineteen-year-old Huo Qubing, not only became the model of the Han army soldiers and the embodiment of the martial spirit, but also became the Xiongnu people fear of war god。In 119 BC, the famous Battle of Mobei was fought between Han and Hungary。As the commander of the cavalry, Huo Qubing led his troops to attack more than two thousand li, annihilated more than seventy thousand enemies with the loss of fifteen thousand men, and captured three Xiongnu Kings and eighty-three general Xiangguo as Hu capital officers。In addition, a ceremony to worship the earth and heaven was held at the Wolf Ju Xishan Mountain (the area of Kent Mountain in modern Mongolia)。After that, Huo Qubing continued to pursue the Xiongnu in depth, until he reached the Hanhai (present-day Lake Baikal in Russia), and then returned。

    Huo Kui Disease is the entire five thousand years of Chinese history, the Han generals led the army far away from the country, the first time the majestic national power of the Han Dynasty spread in the extreme north of the desolate land。Not only has he never been before, but he will never be again。After this battle, "the Huns are far away, and there is no king court in Monan"。Huo Qubing and his "Feng Wolf Ju Xu" have since become the highest ideal and pursuit of the life of successive Chinese soldiers, and this year Huo Qubing is only 22 years old。He attacked Xiongnu six times in his life, traveled thousands of miles, destroyed 110,000 enemies, dropped 40,000 enemies, relieved border troubles, expanded the territory, and returned with a big victory。His war achievements are legendary in the entire military history of China。
Later generations' admiration and love for Huo Qubing is not only the memory and sorrow of heroic characters, but also the more important essential content is the admiration and yearning for his martial spirit。Huo Kui Disease is the most dazzling chapter in the history of the Han nation's war, his victory is not only a complete victory in a foreign war, but also become a spiritual symbol of the monument, inspiring generations of Chinese children, so that the whole Chinese nation is proud of。His sentence "the Huns have not been destroyed, why do home!"The bold words, but also let countless temperament men to the country, military training。Because of this, Huo Qubing became the common idol of ancient scholars and generals, and people competed to sing him, venerate him, and love him, which has lasted for thousands of years since ancient times。"When you go away, your children are sad, but when you return, your eggplant is competing.。Ask the traveler, how can you be sick?"。This is a poem that is difficult to find in the general anthology of ancient poems, but it can make people unforgettable。The author of the poem was not a brilliant scholar, but Cao Jingzong, a valiant general in the Southern Liang Dynasty。This poem of Cao Jingzong stands out like a flock of chickens, the style of writing is heroic, masculine and magnificent, and it makes people excited and excited after reading。While feeling the heroic degree of this poem, it is not difficult to find that Cao Jingzong had a special love and reverence for Huo Qubing, a famous man of the Han Dynasty。In fact, the ancient people's love and admiration for Huo Qubing is very common, and we can also find quite a lot of descriptions in other posterity's poems。Yue Fei's lifelong ideal is to be able to "drive a long car and break through the Helan Mountain" like Huo Qubing。Eat Hurupp meat with lofty aspirations, drink Xiongnu blood with laughter "(" Manjiang Red")。Guan Xiu yearning is "Huo Piao Yao, Tianzi will be flat desert.。Flesh of the Hu, ember Hu tent tent "(" Hu No One") dripping feat。Cao Zhi remembered Huo Quill and the heroism of the Han Army soldiers who "sacrificed their lives to go to the country, and looked at death as a sudden return" (" White Horse ")。Wang Wei is admiring "who knows not to the side court bitter, longitudinal death still smell chivalrous bone incense" (" Young line ") generous gas。In Du Fu's opinion, Huo Qubing is the most outstanding military general of the Han nationality, "Ask the general who, I am afraid it is Huo Quao Yao" (" After the Exit ");"The general only counts Han Piao Yao" (" Send Dong Qing Jiarong ten Yun ");"The Han Dynasty frequently selected generals, should pay homage to Huo Piao Yao。"(" Accompany Bai Zhong Cheng Watch Banquet two soldiers")。Even the tender literati of the Northern Song Dynasty lamented that "Whao Yao set up big Xun, ten thousand miles of absolute demon atmosphere.。"(Yu Zhao," A gift to the King Taiwei ")。From Li Bai's poem, "The enemy can be destroyed, MAO's head is destroyed, and the heart of the Hu is involved in Hu blood.。Hanging Hu blue sky, buried Hu purple plug alongside。No one, Han Daochang。In "Hu No Man", it can be seen that Li Bai's ultimate ideal is "Han Dao Chang", and the way to realize this ideal is to appear a hero like Huo Qubing, who can "hang Hu in the sky, bury Hu purple and stop beside.。The poem "Hu No One" has a broad and majestic spirit, and it is also a straightforward expression of the poet's feelings。

    In general, recalling history is often touched by reality, and recalling ancient people often contains dissatisfaction with reality。However, this kind of reminiscence and feeling for the past is not negative, nor is it profound, but a positive spirit of self-improvement。Huo Qubing's tomb still stands next to the Mausoleum, and the stone statue of "horse stepping on Xiongnu" in front of the tomb symbolizes his immortal achievements for the country。Thousands of years later, the world is still thinking of the style of the young general Huo Qubing, for his feat of not loving luxury, defending the home and defending the country, as well as the Chinese sons and daughters with youth and blood to write the noble and military spirit and passion。

    Second, with the martial spirit of Chinese military poetry ignited our army's dream of a strong army

    军委主席习近平同志语重心长地告诫我们:和平时期,决不能把兵带娇气了,威武之师还得威武,军人还得有血性。Advanced military culture has always been the core factor of the combat effectiveness of the army, the spiritual pillar and the source of strength for the army to overcome the enemy and win。The martial spirit contained in the Chinese military poetry is a virtue known to the Chinese nation and the most precious character of soldiers。The integrity, blood and heroic spirit of Chinese military poetry is a glorious tradition formed by the Chinese nation for thousands of years, an extremely valuable spiritual wealth left to us by our ancestors, and an excellent teaching material and spiritual food to guide officers and soldiers to strengthen their spirit consciousness and join in the practice of building a strong army。A strong country must first strengthen its army, a strong army must first strengthen its spirit, and a strong spirit must first strengthen its culture。昂扬向上、催人奋进的中华军旅诗词,作为军人的一种思想文化的号角,能够鼓舞军心、振奋士气、激发尚武精神,对落实习主席提出的新形势下的强军目标,锻造一支能打胜仗的虎狼之师,It has important practical significance。

    The martial spirit is the backbone of the nation and the perpetual motive for national prosperity。Historical experience proves that,A country,A nation,The strength of the martial spirit,It has a significant relationship with the strength of the country's national defense capability: the nation has a strong military spirit,Their country can be strong,Its defense can be consolidated;A nation devoid of martial spirit,National defense will be weak,It is difficult for a country to stand on its own among the nations of the world,It may even decline and die。Take our country as an example, the most brilliant part of Chinese culture was produced in the Spring and Autumn period of the Warring States period of martial arts, hundreds of brilliant stars, became the source of national studies。Advocate in the mind of the world, security and strong soldiers, forge ahead;In opposition, life and death are light, righteousness is great, and shame is known。The sages meet each other, the wind follows, Qin Emperor Han Wu, Tang Emperor Song Zu, a generation of heavenly pride Genghis Khan, so far people admire。The new China was born in the blood of the war in the 20th century, and this "birth" has also created the noble quality of the contemporary Chinese people。By this quality,The Chinese completed the Long March, a miracle of mankind.In the ruins of poverty,Produced the "two bombs and one star" that shocked the world,A high-tech weapon system that mixes too much martial spirit,Political, economic, military and diplomatic benefits to China,And for contributing to world peace,No amount of GDP can match it!

    Looking around the world, all those countries that have created a glorious history are military states。In history, the rising nations were invincible on the battlefield, opened up territory, and showed the spirit of military strength behind the force。On the contrary, the loss of this martial spirit will make a nation completely lifeless and can only be slaughtered。The international environment China faces today, the crises and challenges it has to deal with, the experience of the rise of the Chinese nation and world powers, history and reality have entrusted the people's army with the mission and responsibility,Let us be clear: there is no military rise,There would have been no peaceful rise of China;To successfully realize the "Great Cause of rejuvenation" of the Chinese nation,We must strive to promote the "great cause of building a strong army" of the Chinese nation;To realize the dream of "Great power",We must realize the dream of "strong army"。Guiding the dream of a strong military with the dream of a strong military and supporting the dream of a strong military is an inviolable objective law for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the progress and development of the world。

    If you lose your martial spirit, if you are rich but not strong, you will be beaten。Although there are different reasons for the rise and fall of dynasties in Chinese history, there is one internal cause in common, that is, the spirit of peace for a long time, and the rulers and ordinary people become weak, lazy and muddled due to the desire for ease。In the case of the Xixia repeatedly invaded the border, the Song Shenzong did not attack but gave the year coin to try to appease, the border would say, "The court has always been appeasing, so the cunning takes heart, dares to be wild, if you give the year coin again today, it is beneficial to play, the more obscene the national prestige.。Ouyang Xiu described the situation at the time as: "The upper and lower levels are content with nothing, the armed forces are useless and not repaired, the temple has no adviser, the border is despicable and there is no brave general, the fool does not know how to fight, the soldiers are arrogant and do not know the battle, the equipment is rotten, and the city is decaying."。Because of its lack of martial arts, the rich Song Dynasty was like a weak beauty, humiliated by barbaric robbers。Jingkang's change, the two emperors dust, the prosperous empire went up in smoke。The late Qing Dynasty was extravagant and turned the world's largest GDP country into royal gardens and exotic curses。In more than half a century when the world powers besieged one after another, the rulers of the late Qing Dynasty were not concerned about the revitalization of the nation, but about the preservation of privileges to play leisurely。The Sino-Japanese War, which decided the fate of the Empire, was approaching, and the royal family was still not committed to the development of military equipment, but it appropriated the naval expenditure to build the Summer Palace。From 1840 to 1945, China experienced the nightmare of aggression for the whole century, one of the important reasons is that it lost its military spirit and did not adhere to the unity of rich country and strong army。In recent years, the saying "development is the absolute truth" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but people often only see the economic development is the absolute truth, but they do not see the development of military strength is also the absolute truth。The accumulation of pure GDP is not equal to comprehensive national strength。The construction of clean government should oppose "corruption", and national security should prevent "rich and corrupt".。When Britain defeated China in the Opium War, China's gross national product was the largest in the world, higher than that of Europe combined;When Japan defeated China in the Sino-Japanese War, China's gross national product was four times that of Japan。The failure of these major military operations, which related to the fate of the country and the nation, happened precisely in the period when China was the richest country in the world and even the richest person in the world。China's modern history has proved a truth: if you are rich but not strong, you will be beaten。A strong country must have a strong army, but if the army is not strong, it will be a rich country at most, and it will never become a strong country。Chinese people must have a martial spirit to become strong。

    We must forge the blood of soldiers with the spirit of soldiery。Blood, is the heroic gas, masculinity, noble spirit, is the nature of soldiers。For a country or a nation to survive and develop, it must be vigorous and vigorous.An army can't win a war without blood。The soldier's blood burst out of the perception of life and death, showing the resolute, brave sacrifice, indomitable pride。Blood, is guarding the border, solid my mountains and rivers of steel Great Wall!Blood can frighten the enemy, blood can win dignity, blood can buy peace。The name of the soldier is always stirring with his blood。As a soldier, we should have blood, vitality, spirit, and tiger spirit;Blood should be publicized and strengthened;We should have the courage to face blood and fire, suffering and fatigue, and give birth to a kind of loyalty to the country and the heroic spirit of death。Gao Shi's "Yan Gexing" said: "Soldiers before the army half dead"。People always have to have a little spirit。Someone once did a survey, the title is "How much war in our founding fathers.?The results were striking。Ten marshals, seven wounded;Seven out of ten generals have been seriously wounded。The treasure of the museum of History of the Academy of Military Sciences is the three shrapnel found in General Su Yu's head when he was cremated。The history of our army's development from weak to strong was forged by the blood and lives of tens of thousands of bloody soldiers。Our nation was built on the blood and sacrifice of our forefathers。Under modern conditions, in order to realize the dream of a strong army, it is urgent for the soldiers of our new era to revive the nation's martial spirit and sharpen the blood of the soldiers。Especially in the current barracks culture construction,It is necessary to carry through an atmosphere of upholding, practicing and practicing martial arts,Carry forward the direction of fighting spirit,Break the old habits of peace,Vigorously cultivate the spirit of the tiger and the Wolf,Make officers and soldiers have the desire to go to the battlefield,The courage to go to war,Always maintain a sense of joy when you hear the battle,Be prepared for all kinds of military struggle。A soldier is born to win; he desires nothing but victory and cares nothing for winning。Only in this way, can we meet the enemy bright sword, invincible, invincible。

    We must use the military spirit to inspire officers and soldiers to assume their mission。Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, is vital to the governance of the country and the development of strong。Armies are made for war, and soldiers are made for war。Soldiers are loyal guards of the motherland, and the army is the steel Great Wall of peace。In addition to fighting, soldiers prepare for war。To be a soldier as a cause, to fight as the main occupation, to win as a great cause, should be an unswerving conscious pursuit。It is the professional ethics of soldiers to love the army in peacetime and fight bloody battles in wartime。习近平主席站在实现中华民族伟大复兴的时代高度,鲜明提出党在新形势下的强军目标,号召建设一支听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良的人民军队。This goal of strengthening the army embodies the expectations and trust of the Party and the people, reflects the new requirements of the new situation and tasks for the building of the army, emphasizes the nature of the war of our army, points out the direction of efforts and provides a fundamental guideline for accelerating the modernization of national defense and the army at a new historical starting point。

    Forging a strong division that can win battles not only relies on scientific and solid military training, but also needs the strong support of combat culture。Chinese military poetry is the true soldier's song, is the soldier's spirit and soul。The martial spirit flowing in Chinese military poetry takes patriotism and heroism as the core, has extremely profound national foundation and extremely rich cultural heritage, and is a vivid portrayal of the loyalty quality, dedication and ideal pursuit of Chinese soldiers in the past generations。At present, in order to cultivate the fighting spirit in the army, the martial spirit and will characteristics scattered in the Chinese military poetry are undoubtedly spiritual resources that can play a powerful edifying role, and are valuable wealth and cultural nutrition for cultivating the military spirit and fighting will of officers and soldiers。我们要遵照军委习主席关于用优秀军旅诗词砥砺部队战斗精神的指示精神,深入挖掘并传承发扬中华军旅诗词的尚武精神,把它纳入先进军事文化建设之中,切实发挥其育人化人和凝聚激励作用。With these vigorous and passionate, full of righteous, blood, heroic battle poems, the officers and soldiers spiritual baptism。Guide officers and soldiers to understand the rich connotation of Chinese military poetry, further strengthen the consciousness of the soul of the army, with a strong atmosphere of war, constantly temper the sword courage of the soldiers, radiate the spirit of the soldiers, temper the will of the officers and soldiers to fight, and cast the brave spirit of decisive battle。The patriotic feelings, martial spirit and military spirit of the Chinese military poetry will be transformed into a strong driving force for daring to fight, winning battles, and strengthening the ability of the armed forces, so that the fierce and vigorous spirit of the people's army will be rooted in the new generation of soldiers。With the military spirit and the blood of soldiers, coupled with modern weapons and equipment, our army will gain wings like a tiger。


    Yao Tianhua: Male, enlisted in 1964, served as a political commissar of a department of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, with the rank of senior colonel。He is now the director of the office of the PLA Red Leaf Poetry Society。Address: Beijing 998 box No. 1 Dry House to Hongye Poetry Society Zip code: 100091

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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