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-- Brief discussion on the inheritance and development of military poetry in the past dynasties

Tuyun Bridge, Hubei Province

    Military poetry is an important part of Chinese poetry。It expresses the strongest sound of every age。It often takes war, border jams, garrison, military life, military feelings, military things, military figures and so on as the main object of a unique style of poetry category。Military poetry has a long history and a long history。

    The army and brigade were originally military units, and the Xia army was the first to open its end。"Zuo Zhuan • Ai Year AD" there is a written record: "There are ten fields, there are many journeys。Yin and Shang Oracle bone inscriptions also appeared the word "brigade", which means gathering people under the battle flag。"Zhou Li • Small Stu" said: "Five soldiers for the brigade, five brigades for the division, five divisions for the army, to start the brigade。The term "army brigade" has been used in pre-Qin classics to refer to the army and military operations。No matter what kind of state system, it is inseparable from the protection of the army。The army is the pillar to maintain the long-term peace and stability of the country. A prosperous military leads to a prosperous country, a strong military leads to a strong country, and vice versa。Predecessors often use the concept of "military brigade" as a comment on the content of poems about military。Taking Tang poetry as an example, although later scholars called Tang poems about military life as frontier poems, Tang poets prefer to use the term "army brigade" in their works。The word "army" appears extensively in their poems。Such as Wang Bo "Longxi travel" : "The ancients Bo army, thousands of years of careful border pass。Li Yi "From the army poem preface" : "In the meantime, although wandering north and south, also mostly in the army.。And claimed: "Five in the army, so for the article more military thinking.。It can be seen that in the eyes of the poet, the elements of "military poetry" should first refer to the creation of the poem subject is the soldier or the identity of the soldier, the state of war, etc., or the virtual situation related to military activities, and such poetry is the expression of "military thinking".。Today, our military theme is heaven and sea, and the regional space is incomparable to the ancients。The heroic spirit of devotion to the motherland, the feelings of the military and police and the advanced deeds of the People's Liberation Army, the Armed police force and the public security police in the implementation of combat readiness, stationed training, exercises, border defense, island defense, crime solving, drug prevention, security, stability maintenance, peacekeeping, rescue, robbery, scientific research, security and other tasks are all the content of the military poetry。It is the duty and glorious mission of our contemporary military poets to extol the core values of contemporary revolutionary soldiers and to carry forward the fine tradition of unity between officers and men, unity between the army and the people, and unity between the police and the people。

    The two major sources of Chinese poetry, The Book of Songs and the Ci of Chu, both have certain items that express the content of military service。How to innovate, how to prosper, how to serve the dream of a strong army? Learning and learning from the excellent military poetry of the past is the necessary way, inheritance is the foundation, development is the branch, innovation is the flowers and leaves。

    Contemporary Chang 'an painting master Shi Lu once said: "One hand to the tradition, the other hand to life"。This is not the way to develop and innovate contemporary military poetry?

    "Reaching for the tradition" requires us to discover, identify, learn, and improve, to achieve the true inheritance of the achievements of our predecessors, in order to move toward new and higher goals。Like climbing, the achievements of the predecessors are like a ladder, and the later ones will always strive to stand on the shoulders of the predecessors before they will progress。Life is the time we live in。No one can exist without his time。Life is not a lack of passion, the key is the lack of good at discovering the true, good, beautiful heart。Tradition is also life, but it is the life of the past。History is a mirror, so we must learn from tradition, not dwell on the past, so we must express the contemporary。 "People love the ancients as much as the present。CCTV "Romance of The Three Kingdoms" ending song "The sky of history" sings: "Dim the sword shadow, far away the drum horn singing, flying in front of a fresh face.。Although the ancients are far away, the sky of history always echoes with the cry of heroes。

    The military poems in the Book of Songs do not pay attention to the rendering of war, but take war scenes as the background to express the living state and emotional world of the hero in the war。For example, "Wang Feng • Yang Water" mainly reflects the dark feelings of soldiers who can't return to garrison. This poem and "Ye Feng • Drumming" are called the ancestors of garrison poetry。In particular, "Qin Wind • No clothes", Zhu Xi's "Poetry biography" said: "Qin vulgar is strong, willing to fight...Enough to die like this。Later Qin unified the six countries, from this poem can be seen。His poem says: "Is there no clothes?The same robe as the son。Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear。And the son of the same enemy!Never a day without clothes?The same as the son。Wang Yu Xingshi, repair my spear and halberd。Work with the son!Never a day without clothes?Like my son。Wang Yu Xing division, repair my armor soldier。Go with the Son!"

    The traditional interpretation says that Duke Wu of Jin asked the king of Zhou to make him a vassal, hoping to receive the robes of the seven chapters。This poem has a total of three paragraphs, in the form of repeated, showing the high morale of the Qin soldiers before the battle。They call on each other and encourage each other,Sacrifice one's life to death,It's an impassioned military song!"Qin Wind • No Clothes" is the most famous patriotic poem in the Book of Songs,It is the battle song of the people of Qin against the invasion of Xirong,The poem shows the heroic struggle spirit of the people of Qin,Such common hatred,The spirit of solidarity against foreign invaders has been passed down to future generations。The poem "Sanyuan Li" by modern poet Zhang Weiping is the best inheritance and development of this spirit: "Sanyuan Li sounds like thunder, thousands of people come at the same time.。Because of righteousness, anger and courage, the villagers join forces to destroy。Every field must be defended, not waiting for the drum group for gas。Women are also key, plow and hoe in hand are weapons。If we are all one, why should we worry about foreign aggression。In the struggle of Guangzhou people bravely against the British Army, although the poet did not directly participate in the battle, he stood on the side of the people with his poem writing history。The poem truly recorded the process of the first anti-imperialist and anti-aggression armed struggle of the people in modern Chinese history, warmly praised the heroic spirit and great strength of the Chinese people to unite against aggression, and at the same time gave a profound expose to the capitulation faction of the Qing government。There are also many poems about military themes in the Book of Songs, which are not listed here。

    The following focuses on Qu Yuan's "Death of the Nation" as a reference, talk about the inheritance and development of military poetry in the past。

    "National War" : "Fuck Wu Ge Xi was rhinocerta, car wrong hub Xi short soldier.。 The sun Xi enemy if clouds, arrows fall Xi Shi contend first。 Ling Yu array 躐 Yu line, left 骖殪 Xi right blade wound。Haze two rounds Xi Zhi four horses, aid jade oaklet xi percussion drum。Days against Xi Welling anger, strictly kill all Xi abandon the field。 Out of the Xi does not go back, the plain suddenly Xi road is far。 With a long sword Xi with Qin bow, the first body from Xi heart not punishment。Honesty is both brave Xi and to the military, finally strong Xi can not be bullied。 Body is dead, God to spirit, son soul Xi for the ghost male。”

    Guo Shang is the first poem in Chinese military poetry with a clear author。Qu Yuan's patriotic feelings and sense of distress expressed his generous and solemn spirit and "no regrets despite nine deaths", which is a masterpiece in the history of military poetry and has a profound influence on poets of all generations。Li Guisheng, a scholar, believes that "The Death of the State" is a narrative poem in which Qu Yuan praises the soldiers of the Chu army who sacrificed their lives for the country, reflecting the war situation in the late Warring States period. It is the only work describing war in Chu poetry, and it is an important military document。The development and research of contemporary military poetry cannot go around this "National Death", which is the first of personal military poetry creation.。"Honesty is both brave Xi and to the military, ultimately strong Xi can not be bullied.。Body is dead, God to spirit, son soul Xi for the ghost male。It makes people feel the patriotic feelings of the life and death of the soldiers, arouses the thinking of the value of life and the fate of the country, and the national spirit of the Chu people's patriotism and martial arts and the fashion of believing in ghosts and witches, as well as the reality of the disputes between the vassals in the late Warring States period are truly reflected in the "National Death"。"National Death" issued a generous voice, "Although Chu three households, the death of Qin must be Chu.。In the poem, the poet further expresses his own experience of the value of life through the poem, death is not only a means to maintain personality integrity, but also a transcendence of limited life, flashing eternal moral value and humanistic brilliance。The poet expressed the fearless spirit of unyielding to death with the souls of the fallen soldiers of Chu Army, and praised the life values of the soldiers of Chu who lived even after death。

    Cao Zhi "White Horse" : "White horse decorated with gold, the northwest Chi.。Who can I ask? You and the Ranger。Young to the township, Yang sound desert hanging。Suxi Bingliang bow, 楛 what is uneven。Control string to break left, right to break the moon branch。Hand up to catch flying 猱, bend over and scatter the hooves。As cunning as a monkey, nimble as a leopard。Border city more urgent police, number of migration。Having called back from the north, he mounted a high embankment。Long drive Xiongnu, left Gu Ling Xianbei。Abandon the edge of the sword, life can be huai, parents and disregard, he Yan son and wife!A good man must not take advantage of his own interests。To die for the country, see death as a sudden return。”

    The poem describes and praises a young hero who is strong in martial arts and full of patriotic spirit in the frontier area, so as to express the author's ambition to serve the country。The heroic image in this poem is not only the self-portrayal of the poet, but also condenses and shines the light of building an ethos。With twists and turns and moving plots, the poem creates a bright character, vivid and touching young patriotic hero image。The first two sentences are written with a whimsical flourish,Depicting heroes on horseback heading to the Northwest,Indicates a military emergency,Tug at the reader's heartstrings;And then start with "Excuse me",The story of the hero is recounted in a descriptive way,Show what kind of hero he is;"Border town. "Six sentences,Go to the beginning,Specify the reason for the "northwest drive" and the courage to go to the enemy。The last eight sentences show the lofty spiritual realm of the hero who sacrificed his life for the country。The spirit of sacrifice that puts one's life at risk to protect one's home and country is still something we can learn from today。The idiom "facing death as if it were a return" comes from this poem。

    Bao Zhao's "Coming from the North Gate of Ji" : "You have called back to the border pavilion and sent flames into Xianyang。Levy division tun Guangwu, divide troops to save Shuo。Yan Qiu tendon pole strength, Rupp array fine and strong。The Son of Heaven pressed his sword, and the messengers looked at each other。Flying geese edge stone path, penetration degree flying beam。Xiao drum flow Han Si, Jing nail was Hu cream。The wind blows and the sand flutters。The horse's hair shrank like a hedgehog, and the horn bow could not be stretched。When the crisis see minister festival, the world confusion of loyalty。Throw the body to report the Ming Lord, the body died for the war。”

    "From the North gate of Ji" is an old Yuefu title, a miscellany of songs。Through the emergency war in the border court and the harsh environment of the border, the poem highlights the ambition and passion of the strong men to defend the country and bravely go to the disaster。When showing the loyalty and integrity of brave men who go to the enemy and sacrifice their lives, intersperse with the description of the wonders of Hu land, it is a rare famous article that touches the life of the frontier in the Southern and Northern Dynasties。Du Fu "Spring memories of Li Bai" : "Fresh Yu Kai Fu, Junyi Bao joined the army。This shows the influence of Bao's army on Li Du。"Handsome Bao joined the army" is to praise Li Bai's poems with Bao Zhao's elegant style。Bao Zhao tomb in Hubei Huangmei County city, on the eve of this year's Qingming Festival, in order to express our respect for poets, I organized several poets to drive to the memorial, a "personnel metabolism, exchange into ancient and modern.。I will return to the mountains and leave them behind。”之慨。

    Li Qingzhao "Summer verse" : "Life as a hero, death is also a ghost.。So far thought Xiang Yu, refused to cross the river east。The background of the poem is the bitter blood and tears of the country。Although the poem is short, it is not achieved in one stroke, but by the bitter wine brewing of The Times, and it is obtained by chance。The poet called for heroes, but at that time, there was a lack of figures who could save the tide, and only ended up in a "sad and miserable situation.。The poem shows the upright personality, reproduces the spirit of Qu Zi, and expresses a fearless spirit of sacrifice。This awe-inspiring character, Haoran Zhengqi, filled between heaven and earth, so that the ghosts and gods change color。The poet criticized the shameless behavior of the Capitulators in the Southern Song Dynasty, using the past to satirize the present。The whole poem is only 20 words, and even uses three allusions, but there is no problem, because these are the poet's inner aspirations。Such a generous, vigorous and powerful poem is worthy of the battle march of military poetry。

    Wen Tianxiang "over zero Dingyang" : "hard encounter once, a few people fall around the stars。 Mountains and rivers broken wind floating wadded, life floating rain playing duckweed。 Fear of the beach said fear, and the sea sighed。Life since ancient times who have not died, leave the heart according to history。”

    This poem expresses the heroic feelings of the author, who was willing to sacrifice himself to save the country。"Danxin" refers to the red-hot heart, generally described as "red blood Danxin" people loyal to the country。"History" refers to historical books。In ancient times, before the invention of paper, to record military affairs, it could only be written on bamboo slips。But you must first use a torch to evaporate the water in the bamboo slips, so that it is convenient to write, and can prevent insects from eating。According to this, later generations referred to the historical books as "history".。

    "Life since ancient times who has not died, leave a heart according to history" These two sentences are to say that since ancient times, people will inevitably die, but the death should be meaningful, if you can be loyal to the country, after death can still light thousands of years, history。As Sima Qian wrote in the Book of Ren Shaoqing: "Death is inherent in man, death is heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather.。As the military police of New China, a "heart of love" is of course always ready for the interests of the motherland and the people, and not hesitate to spill and dedicate their own blood and life。

    Xia Wan-chun "Among the Clouds" : "Three years of tourists, today again south crown.。Infinite rivers and mountains of tears, who said heaven and earth wide?Known spring road is near, to another hometown difficult。On the day of the return of the spirit, the spirit flag looks in the sky。”

"Farewell to the Clouds" is the author after being arrested by the Qing court, before being sent to Nanjing Songjiang farewell。"On the day of the return of the spirit, the spirit banner looked in the sky。"Twenty years later, Chun and First Wenzhong are the actions of the North."。"Known that the spring road is near" the poet candidly made the plan of "the day of the return of the spirit", held the determination of unyielding to death and resolute restoration, failed to complete the cause during his lifetime, and wanted to personally see his successors lead the uprising and restore the Ming Jiangshan after his death。The poem ends with a resounding vow, clearly showing the poet's unyielding fighting spirit and the feelings of a child who is loyal to the country, giving deep encouragement to his successors, and setting up an immortal monument to the interests of the country and the nation above all else for readers。The whole poem is smooth and clear, and the feelings are bold and bold。Start to describe the arduous arduous career, bear the pen of the loss of the homeland, the broken mountains and rivers of grief and regret, turn the pen to express nostalgia for the homeland, cherish the deep feeling of relatives, and conclude the pledge to restore the determination。The style of the poem is generous and bold, and it is exciting to read。

    Chen Yi's Three Chapters of Meiling: "In the winter of 1936, Meishan was besieged。For more than twenty days, I could not get rid of my injuries, and I got three poems to leave the bottom of my clothes。Circumferential solution。[A] How do you feel about beheading today?Starting a business is difficult and there are many battles。This to Quantai to recruit the old, banners one hundred thousand cut Yama。The war of the South has been raging for ten years, and this head must hang over the gate。After the death of many efforts, good news flying when paper money。To join the revolution is to be home, and the blood shall end。Take righteousness into benevolence today, the world is full of free flowers。”

    The Three Chapters of Meiling are three poems written by Chen Yi, a Chinese Communist, when Meiling was besieged by the 46th Division of the Kuomintang in the winter of 1936。Although Chen Yi was in danger, he had the determination to devote himself to the revolution and the confidence that the revolution would win。

    Yu Youren "National Death" : "Bury me on the mountain, look at my mainland;The mainland does not see, only cry。Bury me in the mountains, look at my hometown;I will never forget my hometown。The sky is grey, the sea is vast, and on the mountain, there is a nation's death。”

    The poem was published in 1964。In his later years in Taiwan, Yu Youren was very eager to return to his roots, but he was unable to do so。On January 12, 1962, he wrote in his diary: "After a hundred years, I would like to be buried in Yushan or Ali Mountain, where there are many trees, and those who have high mountains and big trees can always look at the mainland.。我之故乡是中国大陆”。On January 24, 1962, Mr. Yu Youren wrote a poem titled "Looking to the Mainland" (also known as "National Death").。This is his love for the mainland hometown written laments, in which the feeling of nostalgia for the country is overflowing, is a touch of the Chinese soul of the hidden pain of the last song。Reading this poem, give a person a sad deep, true feeling of love for national conditions。Due to well-known reasons, Mr. Long lived in Taiwan, can not return to Sangzi, but the strait waves are constantly separated, prevent him from looking at the mainland, homesickness, homesickness。"He who touches the heart, never forgets。It is this sincere and strong emotion and profound yearning that gives readers a strong shock and causes readers' emotional and ideological resonance。The first two sentences of the last section of the poem borrow two sentences in the Northern Dynasty folk song "Che Yue Ge", using overlapping words, image and vivid!The last two sentences "On the mountain, there is a national tragedy!"The meaning is rich in pun。"National Death" from Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs"。"Nine Songs" is Qu Yuan on the way to exile to imitate the southern Chu sacrificial songs and create a group of poems, "National death" is one of them, is the lament of the memorial officers, the so-called "death", "little Erya" said: "no ghost of the Lord for the death。The poet skillfully borrowed the "national war" to express his regret that he could not be buried in the mainland after his death and could not return to his homeland。

    To sum up,When Qu Yuan's "National Death" became the symbol of the Chinese nation's sense of sorrow and patriotism,Poets of all ages have passed it down with great reverence and love,And after generations of poets,Since the Book of Songs and Chu Ci came out,It has formed two spiritual rivers linked by blood,In the veins of poets of all ages。Cao Zhi: "Abandon the edge of the sword, life can be huai, parents and disregard, He Yan son and wife!"A good man must not take advantage of his own interests。To die for the country, see death as a sudden return。Bao Zhao: "When the crisis sees the minister festival, the world is confused about loyalty and good.。Throw the body to report the Ming Lord, the body died for the war。Li Qingzhao: "Life as a hero, death is also a ghost.。Wen Tianxiang: "Since ancient times, no one has died, and I have left my heart according to history.。Xia Wanchun "Don't cloud" : "Known spring road is near, it is difficult to don't want to hometown.。On the day of the return of the spirit, the spirit flag looks in the sky。Chen Yi: "Go to Quantai to recruit the old, banners one hundred thousand Yan Luo.。"After the death of all the hard work, good news flying as paper money"。From these military poetry works of poets in the past dynasties, we can clearly see the influence of "National Death" on their creation。"Ghost male", "perseverance", "national mourning" and so on directly from the Fa Qu poem。The poets of later generations not only used the poem for reference, but more importantly inherited and carried forward the sense of distress and patriotism carried forward by the poem。From their works, we can fully see that they were moved by Qu Yuan's "National Death", which shows the deep influence of "National Death"。

    "Ask the canal that can be so clear, because there is a source of living water to come"。Zhu Xi used these two poems to illustrate that tradition and life are the source of writing。The lake is always clear because it is constantly being filled with new water。We can get inspiration from this poem, only when the mind is always active, inclusive, embracing all rivers, inheriting the excellent cultural tradition of the Chinese nation, can the talent continue to think, new water flow。The idiom "The source of running water" comes from this poem。A history of Chinese military poetry is a history of continuous inheritance, development and innovation。

    Today, with the theme of "to have the source of living water to come", I briefly talked about the inheritance and development of military poetry in the past dynasties, and I hope everyone is looking forward to it!

April 30, 2014 in Wuchang Yingyue Building          

    Author Tu Yunqiao Address: No. 2-4-1, Sanfei Police Building, Fitch Community, Xujiapeng, Wuchang District, Wuhan 430062

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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