An ego state and an un-ego state

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 2983
Wang Guowei "Human Words" Miscellaneous (5) Xiao Dehua "There is my environment, there is no my environment。'Tearful eyes ask Hua Hua not a word, chaotic red fly over the swing to go', 'can be isolated pavilion closed spring cold, cuckoo sound in the sunset', there is my environment also;'Under the east fence, leisurely see Nanshan', 'cold wave indifferent, white birds leisurely under', no I also。Where I am, everything is my color。Without me, I don't know what is me and what is the thing。This is the division between subjective poetry and objective poetry。(According to: this sentence has been deleted) the ancients for the word, write a lot of my situation, but can not write without my situation, this in the heroes can set up their own ears."。(from "Human Words" 33)         Note: "Where I am, everything is my color.。Without me, I don't know what is me and what is the thing。"There is my environment, with me to see things, old things are my color.。In the state of no self, things look at things, so I don't know what is me and what is things。There is no "This is the division between subjective poetry and objective poetry.。”   This is Wang Guowei's analysis of the artistic realm from the Angle of subjective and objective relationship。From the point of view of the relationship between the object and the self, there is my situation, with me to see things, old things are my color;In the state of no self, things look at things, so I don't know what is me and what is things。   The so-called things are my color, that is, in the description of the scene permeated with human feelings, feelings, cognition, ideal, image, action and other subjective factors。Such as "Tearful eyes ask Hua Hua silent,Disorderly red fly over the swing to ", "can be isolated pavilion closed spring cold.,Cuckoo sound in the setting sun twilight,Someone's image "tearful eyes";Someone's action "ask flowers";Some people feel "chaotic, isolated, closed, cold" on the scene;Some people's cognition of the scenery "flower language", "disorderly red flying over the swing", "cuckoo sound in the sunset";Through the description of these scenes,It also shows the poet's infinite feeling of hurting spring and unbearable loneliness, loneliness and miserable fetters。The previous sentence, write the heroine saw the flower tears, to the flower love questions, flowers not only silent, but like deliberately abandoned her like flying over the swing and go。How could she not be heartbroken when her husband rode on the stage, flowers flew on the swing, men of feeling and things of cruelty responded coldly to her。In the last sentence, the poet went to Chenzhou Lonely House, closed in the cold spring, in the bleak sunset, heard the cuckoo "better go home", which caused endless sadness。   The so-called not knowing what is for me and what is for the thing is to achieve the state of no self in which the thing and I both forget and the thing and I are the same。"No self" does not mean that there is no "I", but that I view things as a thing without will and desire, so it is "seeing things with things".。It is actually a relatively calm, comfortable, leisurely state of mind, not a little subjective color。"Picking chrysanthemums under the east hedge, leisurely see Nanshan", there are still chrysanthemums, looking at the activities of people, "leisurely" is also a psychological state of people looking at Nanshan。It is completely painted "cold wave indifferent, white bird leisurely under" also has "cold, white, rising, down" people's perception, as well as "indifferent", "leisurely" people's feeling emotions。From the perspective of attitude towards social life, if the environment with self is a kind of Confucianism entering the world, then the environment without self is a kind of Buddha environment born。Wang Guowei said: "For the ancients, there are many people who write about my situation, but they cannot write about the situation without me, so that the heroes can set up their ears."。That is to say, only when the "heroic man" cultivates to a certain degree can he express the realm of no self in his poems。         How to represent the self or no self in the scene?Act like you're me,Don't be so blunt.,Only use joy, laughter, sadness, sorrow and other words that directly express feelings,And to be good at adding cold, cold, isolated, closed, invading, chaotic, full, heavy, sparse, horizontal, bright, dark and so on sensory words in the scene,Or focus and combine the typical environment and character details that can most cause people to feel and feel sad,Through the picture,Express your feelings and emotions on multiple levels, in multiple facets, and in multiple directions。Like the words of Ouyang Xiu and Qin Guan mentioned above, things interact with each other and scenes blend together。To express the situation of no self, reduce the subjective color of words, and try to describe the scenery with a calm, natural, quiet and leisurely style, such as the beautiful idyllic poems of Tao Yuanming, Wang Wei and Meng Haoran。     The author is a retired cadre, majoring in Chinese language and literature. Address: Zhijin Garden, Langzhou North Road, Wuling District, Changde City, Hunan Province 
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
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