A place of beauty and grandeur

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Wang Guowei's Essays on Human Ci (6)


Xiao Dehua

    "Where there is no self, man can only achieve it in silence.。Where I am, I get it when I move。So a beautiful, a grand and strong also"。(from the "Human words" No. 36) "Poem • The Reeds" is the most profound。Yan Tongshu 'Last night the west wind marvels green trees。Alone on the tall building, looking at the end of the world road 'meaning quite close。But a drop, a sad ear。(from the first article of "Human Ci")               Note: The Book of Songs • Qin Feng • The Reed Jia      Reeds green, white dew for frost。The fair lady I think resides on the other side of the water。Back from it, the road is blocked and long。Swim from it, like in the middle of the water。      The Reeds were desolate, and the white dew had not yet dried。The so-called girl, in the river。Back from the whirl, road and stop。Swim from it, Wan odi in the water。      Reeds pick, white dew has not yet。The so-called girl, in the water 涘。Whirl from it, road blocked and right。Swim it, like in the water 沚。
      Yan Shu (Zi Tongshu) "Magpie Treading on Branches"      Sill chrysanthemum sorrow smoke orchid cry dew。Luo curtain light cold, swallows fly away。The moon knows nothing of the bitter。Oblique light to dawn through Zhu household。      The west wind marred the green trees last night。Alone on the tall building, looking at the end of the world。Want to send color paper as much as possible。A long time is a long time。    This is Wang Guowei's analysis of the artistic realm from the Angle of aesthetics。In Schopenhauer's Philosophy and His Theory of Education, he also said: "In beauty there is a difference between beauty and magnificence。Today, there is a thing that makes people forget the relationship of interests, and those who play with it and are not tired of it are called beautiful feelings。If it is not conducive to our will, and the will is broken by it, he who meditates on his ideas by knowledge alone is called a magnificent emotion。In Wang Guowei's view, the difference between "beautiful" and "magnificent" is actually the difference between "quiet" and "moving", "the land without self" and "the land with me"。"Quiet" refers to the state of calm of feelings and things observed;"Movement" refers to a turbulent state of feeling and of what is observed。Only when we enter the state of mind of "stillness" (absolute tranquility, vacuity, transcendence, liberation) can we obtain the state of "no self".。At this time, the confrontation and struggle between the desire of the subject and the utilitarian value of the object are eliminated, and the object observed becomes the object of the subject's easy appreciation, so it is a "beautiful" environment。When people are in a state of mind from moving to static (surpassing and breaking away from the world, caring and utilitarian), they will obtain "the state of being".。Because the subject is bound by utility or burdened by emotion, and wants to transcend this emotion and enter the peaceful state, the object observed shows a heavy and sublime "magnificent" state。These are answers to be found in the psychological mechanisms that arise from beauty and grandeur。   Beautiful scenery in the appearance of the image, performance for beautiful, soft, charming, elegant, elegant, far-reaching, free and easy style。The "girl" in the Poem "The Reeds" is the object of the poet's love, remembrance and pursuit。In the poem, through the pursuit of "Yi people" when the scenery is desolate, the area is blocked, the image is ethereal, and the description of singing and sighing, the powerful set off the hero's sad and melancholy emotions, forming a kind of dim, scattered, "wind people deep" beautiful environment。       Magnificent scenery in the appearance of the image, the performance of the tragic, bold, fierce, majestic, magnificent, sublime, turbulence and other styles。Yan Shu's "Magpie Treads on the Branch" shows the heroine's sadness of being far away from the bosom, the "sorrow smoke", "weeping dew", "curtain cold", "Swallows fly", "bright moon slanting", revealing the heroine's sorrow from hate, the style is soft and gentle。The next piece of "alone on the high-rise, looking at the end of the world road", look and see, want to send nowhere, the weather is too wide and far, showing a heavy, sad magnificent scenery。   How to express beauty and magnificence in poetry。The performance of beautiful scenery generally choose quiet, beautiful natural scenery, such as Mingyue pine light, Qingquan stone upper stream, flowers, birds, lake ripples, luxuriant grass and so on, people produce a sense of spiritual pleasure。The performance of magnificent scenery generally choose majestic, vast natural scenery, such as steep peaks, towering pines and cypress, peaks and peaks, Xu said rising east, rivers roaring, waves towering to the sky, etc., so that people produce lofty, heroic sense。Beauty and magnificence sometimes can not be completely separated, the same work, can have beauty, can also have magnificence。Such as the above Yan Shu "Magpie step on the branch" words, the upper film is beautiful, the lower film is magnificent。"Human words" No. 117 cloud: "Yongshu 'human beings are crazy, this hate has nothing to do with the wind and the moon', 'straight to see all the Los Angeles flowers, beginning with the east wind is easy to differ', in the bold there is a heavy, so especially high。Wang Guowei believes that Ouyang Xiu this word of parting feelings, but with the general people write more sad scenes and interest is different, but can write a parting pride, both the wind and the moon have no emotion, so the flower of Los Angeles also lost the inspiration and rendering of parting feelings。However, the enthusiasm is still surrounded by a trace of temporary cold but can not disappear, then aftertaste meditation and melancholy。    The author is a retired cadre, majoring in Chinese language and literature. Address: Zhijin Garden, Langzhou North Road, Wuling District, Changde City, Hunan Province 
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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