书 讯

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 13436


     Mr. Li Linsen, a poet from Jinshi, Shenzhen, published his poetry collection "Drifts Old" by Mingjia Publishing House in July 2018。     The third volume of the album "Selected Poems of Lin Shikun" by Mr. Lin Shikun, a famous poet from Dingcheng District who is 98 years old, was published by Hong Kong Tianma Publishing Limited in October 2018。    Mr. Zhang Niandong, chief editor of Fan Xi, has published Late Chengyu by Tuanjie Publishing House in November 2018。     The fifth episode of "Gumei Xinlei", the poetry class of Wuling District University for the Elderly, has been compiled and printed in November 2018。 
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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