遐 想

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 12805
Nie Lanfang Sand River bank, a few trees hibiscus, and frosty days to compete free, free, bright and dazzling。Association of Shahe transformation blueprint, imagination。 The Chutian boundless wild geese are flying south。I like to see the sand river ying fruit, hibiscus country in the morning。  Qin Yuanchun•看新闻:习主席夫妇接待特朗普夫妇有感(步张岳琦先生《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》韵)      Yang Moon capital, decorated lights, shock the world。Look at the head of China, Baoyun tea, the atmosphere is just, together through thick and thin。Three halls wandering, nodding to praise, architectural scenery was polite。Changyin Pavilion, sighing Peking Opera, Forbidden Red Building。      The silk road is like hook, is the two countries Liyuan interest thick。Peaceful development, mutual benefit, seeking well-being, the world is worry-free。Manage differences, seek common ground while shelving differences, and achieve beautiful and harmonious results。Grasp the economy, dare to lead, stand at the head of the tide。  题释:二0一七年十一月八日,习近平夫妇在北京故宫接待特朗普夫妇。Viewing the Imperial Palace, appreciating cultural relics, tasting tea and listening to Peking Opera, the atmosphere is harmonious and brimming with friendly feelings between the Chinese and American people。Baoyun, namely Baoyun building;The three halls are the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Central Harmony and the Hall of preserving Harmony。  Author's unit: Poetry Branch of Xidongting Management District, Changde City  
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: cdscxh@163.com submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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