Li Wenchao's speech at the 6th China Changde Poets' Festival

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 17582


Chinese poetry society executive vice president Li Wenchao

Fellow leaders, fellow poets and comrades,

    We will earnestly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, the Central Economic Work Conference and the national Two Sessions throughout the country,We will comprehensively promote economic and cultural development,Meet the new situation of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,We gathered in the picturesque city of Changde to hold the 6th China Changde Poets' Festival,On behalf of the Chinese Poetry Society, I would like to extend warm congratulations,And to the leaders and the majority of poets to express high respect。

    China • The Changde Poets' Festival has been held since 2003 in Changde, Hunan Province,Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China Changde Municipal Committee and the municipal People's Government,With the strong assistance of Hunan Poetry Association,With the concern and support of poets all over the country,Changde City has held six consecutive large-scale, national poet festivals,And the activities are well organized,Each time more depth and height,Each time it gets better and better,It has become an important festival for poets all over the country,It is also an important cultural event in the country。

    In the same period when China Changde Poet Festival was founded, Changde City was awarded the first "City of Poetry" in the country, which had a great influence on the national poetry circle。Six counties in Changde City have been awarded as the hometown of national poetry,Rank among the top in the country;The world-famous Changde Poem Wall,Won the Guinness World Record;Changde City took the lead in poetry "five into" (into schools, into enterprises, into rural areas, into organs, into streets) activities,It has played an important role in promoting the popularization and improvement of the construction of poetry culture。Changde is also a national civilized city, she is like a bright pearl, dazzling inlaid in the Dongting Lake, all these have made valuable contributions to promote the great prosperity and development of socialist culture。

    China is a country of poetry with a glorious history。Today, the all-round development of poetry culture in Changde City is a banner of Chinese poetry culture advancing with The Times。当今时代诗词的发展,要以服务富民强国为主线,广大诗人要继承毛泽东同志《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》的精神,走出书斋,扑下身子,深入实际,深入群众,为时代而歌,为人民而歌。Under the guidance of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the seventeenth Central Committee of the Party, love the motherland, love the people, love life, add luster to the great prosperity and development of socialist culture, and write a new chapter for the benefit of the country and the people。

    Changde Municipal Party Committee and Municipal people's Government stand on the strategic height of strong culture, strong culture province and strong culture city, and made the decision to host China Changde Poet's Festival for a long time。The Chinese Poetry Society is fully supportive。In order to make the poet's festival often new, recently, the Changde Municipal Party Committee, the municipal government and the Hunan Poetry Association proposed that the next Poet's Festival will hold the "Changde Poetry Wall Cup" national poetry competition as an important content, this proposal is innovative and should be affirmed。

    Liu Yuxi, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, once said, "A crane in a clear sky will lead his poetry to the blue sky."。China's Changde Poets' Festival is at the peak of socialist cultural construction,Under the leadership of the Party and the government,While maintaining steady and rapid economic development,Will continue to break new ground,Make new achievements,To make new contributions to the great prosperity and development of socialist cultural construction,With a good mental outlook and excellent work achievements to meet the successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the Party。

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
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