Constitution of Changde Poetry Society

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(Approved by the eighth Member Congress of Changde Poetry Society on December 8, 2015)

Chapter I General rules

    Article 1 The name of this group is: Changde Poetry Society
    Chinese Pinyin name: changdeshi shicixuehui Abbreviation: CDSSCXH
    English name: Changde Poetry Society Abbreviation: CPS
    Article 2 The Association is a non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by the city's poetry organizations and poetry creators, researchers and lovers under the leadership of the Communist Party of China。
    Article 3 The purpose of the Association: consciously abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, policies and social morals of the state,Conscientiously implement the Party's direction of serving the people and socialism and the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend in its literary and artistic work,It is committed to the creation, research, education, popularization and improvement of Chinese poetry,We will continue to make new contributions to the great prosperity and development of socialist culture。
    Article 4 The Association accepts the business guidance, supervision and management of the competent unit (the Municipal Federation of Arts and Culture) and the registration and administration of societies (the Civil Affairs Bureau)。
    Article 5 The office address of the Association: Pai Yun Ge, Yuan 'an Road, Wuling District。

Chapter II Business scope

    Article 6 Business scope of the Group
    (1) Unite the poetry communities around the city, promote mutual exchange and cooperation, and jointly improve。
    (2) Encourage members to strengthen theoretical study and artistic accomplishment, go deep into life, reflect reality, and constantly improve the level of poetry creation and poetry theory research。
    (3) Attach importance to and support the creation of mass poetry activities such as "Hometown of poetry" and "Advanced unit of poetry teaching", popularize poetry knowledge for the society, strive to train young writers, and constantly expand the poetry team。
    (4) In accordance with relevant regulations, edit and publish the journal "Wuling Poetry" magazine, run the official website of the association "Changde Poetry Society Network" (, the implementation of high-quality strategy, improve the level of publication, expand social impact。
    (5) Strengthen the liaison with poetry organizations and writers and researchers inside and outside the city, and strengthen the exchange and cooperation with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese poetry circles。

Chapter III Members

    Article 7 The members of the group are divided into two categories: the poetry societies, poetry societies and branches established by the Association in each district or county (city) of this municipality are group members;Poetry lovers and experts inside and outside the city who apply or invite themselves are individual members。
    Article 8 A member who applies to join the group must meet the following conditions:
    (1) Support the constitution of the Association;
    (b) have the intention to join the Council;
    (3) There is a certain influence in the field of the Association。
    Article 9 The membership procedure is as follows:
    (1) Submit an application for membership;
    (2) Approval by the vice president in charge after the examination and approval;
    (3) Issuing membership cards。
    Article 10 Members shall enjoy the following rights:
    (1) the right to vote, the right to be elected and the right to vote;
    (2) Participate in the activities organized by the Association;
    (3) the priority of obtaining services and publishing works of the Association;
    (4) Have the right to criticize and propose and supervise the work of the Council;
    (5) Membership is voluntary and withdrawal is free。
    Article 11 Members shall perform the following obligations:
    (1) Implement the resolutions of the Council;
    (2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association;
    (3) to complete the work assigned by the Council;
    (4) to report the situation to the Council and provide relevant information;
    (5) Pay dues according to regulations。
    Article 12 Members shall notify the Association in writing of withdrawal and return their membership cards。
    If a member does not pay membership dues for two years, or does not participate in the activities of the Association, it will be considered as automatic withdrawal。
    Article 13 If a member commits a serious violation of the Articles of Association, the member shall be removed by the vote of the Board of Directors or the Standing Board of Directors。

Chapter IV: The formation and removal of the organizational structure and the person in charge

    Article 14 The highest authority of the Organization is the General Assembly of members, whose functions and powers are:
    (1) To formulate and amend the articles of association;
    (2) To elect and remove directors;
    (3) To examine the work report and financial report of the Council;
    (4) deciding on termination;
    (5) to decide on other major matters;
    (6) To formulate and revise the standards and payment methods of membership dues。
    Article 15 The members' congress shall be convened only when more than two-thirds of the members' representatives are present, and its resolutions shall be valid only when voted by more than half of the members' representatives present。
    Article 16 Each session of the members' Congress shall be five years。If it needs to be advanced or postponed due to special circumstances, it shall be voted by the Board of Directors, submitted to the competent business unit for review and approved by the registration and administration of societies。However, the extension of the term shall not exceed one year。
    Article 17 The Council shall be the executive body of the members' Congress and shall lead the daily work of the group during the intersessional period and be responsible to the members' Congress。
    Article 18 The functions and powers of the Council shall be:
    (1) implementing the resolutions of the members' Congress;
    (2) To elect and remove the president, vice President, secretary general and executive director;
    (3) preparing for the convening of the members' congress;
    (4) To report work and financial situation to the congress of members;
    (5) To decide on the establishment of administrative offices, branches, representative offices and entity offices;
    (6) To decide on the appointment of deputy secretaries-general and principal heads of institutions;
    (7) To lead the work of various organs of the Association;
    (8) To formulate internal management systems;
    (9) To decide on other major matters。
    Article 19 The Board of Directors shall be convened only when two-thirds or more of the members present, and its resolution shall be valid only when two-thirds or more of the members present vote。
    Article 20 The Council shall meet at least once a year: under special circumstances, it may also be convened by means of communication。
    Article 21 The Association shall establish a Standing Council。The Executive Council shall be elected by the Council, and its members shall not exceed one third of the members. They shall exercise the functions and powers of Item 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Article 18 when the Council is not in session, and shall be responsible to the Council。
    Article 22 The Standing Council shall be convened only when more than two-thirds of the standing directors are present, and its resolutions shall be effective only when voted by more than two-thirds of the standing directors present。
    Article 23 The meeting of the Standing Council shall be held once a year, and may also be convened by means of communication under special circumstances。
    (1) When the Board of Directors is not in session, if there is an urgent need to deal with major issues, the Standing Board of Directors authorizes the President to convene personnel of relevant departments to discuss and make decisions。
    (2) The local executive directors shall be responsible for the regional communication, coordination and publicity organization on behalf of the Association。
    Article 24 The President, vice president and secretary General of the Association must meet the following conditions:
    (1) Adhere to the Party's line, principles, policies, and political quality;
    (2) There is a greater impact in the business field of the Association;
    (3) The maximum age of the president, vice president and Secretary General shall not exceed 70 years of age, and the secretary general shall be full-time or part-time;
    (4) be in good health and able to work normally;
    (5) having not received criminal punishment for deprivation of political rights;
    (6) Having full capacity for civil conduct。
    Article 25 If the president, vice president and Secretary-General of the Association exceed the maximum age of office, they shall be voted by the Council, submitted to the competent business unit for review, and approved by the registration and management authority of the association。
    Article 26 The term of office of the President, vice president and Secretary-General of the Association is five years。The term of office of the president, vice president and secretary general shall not exceed two terms. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by the vote of more than 2/3 of the members' representatives of the members' congress, submitted to the competent business unit for review, and approved by the registration and administration authority of the association。

    Article 27 The President of the Association shall be the legal representative of the association. Due to special circumstances, the vice president or the Secretary-General shall act as the legal representative, which shall be submitted to the competent business unit for review and approved by the registration and management authority of the association。
    The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other organizations。

    Article 28 The President of the Association shall exercise the following powers:
    (1) Convening and presiding over office meetings of the Council, the Standing Council and the President;
    (2) To check the implementation of the resolutions of the members' Congress, the Board of Directors and the Standing Board of Directors;
    (3) Sign relevant important documents on behalf of the group。

    Article 29 The Secretary-General of the Council shall exercise the following rights:
    (1) to preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of annual work plans;
    (2) coordinating the work of branches, representative offices and entities;
    (3) To propose a list of the deputy Secretary-General and the principal persons in charge of each office, branch, representative office and entity, and submit it to the Office meeting of the President for decision;
    (4) To decide on the employment of full-time staff of handling agencies, representative agencies and entity agencies;
    (5) to handle other daily affairs。

Chapter V: Principles of asset management and use

    Article 30 Sources of funds of the Group
    (1) membership fee;
    (2) donation;
    (3) Government funding;
    (4) Income from activities or services carried out within the approved scope of business;
    (5) interest;
    (6) other lawful income。
    Article 31 The Association shall collect membership dues in accordance with relevant regulations of the State。
    Article 32 The funds of the Association shall be used for the business scope and career development stipulated in the Articles of Association, and shall not be distributed among the members。
    Article 33 The Association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure that the accounting information is legal, true, accurate and complete。
    Article 34 The Association shall employ accounting personnel with professional qualifications。An accountant shall not concurrently serve as a teller。Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision。When an accountant transfers his work or leaves his post, he must clear the handover formalities with the receiver。
    Article 35 The asset management of the Association must implement the financial management system stipulated by the state, and accept the supervision of the member congress and the financial department。If the source of assets belongs to state appropriations or social donations or subsidies, they must accept the supervision of audit institutions and publicize the relevant information to the public in an appropriate manner。
    Article 36 Before the change of the term or the change of the legal representative, the association must accept the financial audit organized by the registration and management authority of the association and the competent business unit。
    Article 37 The assets of the Association shall not be appropriated, privately divided or misappropriated by any unit or individual。
    Article 38 The wages, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of the Association shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the State on public institutions。

Chapter VI Procedure for amendment of Articles of Association

    Article 39 Any amendment to the articles of association shall be approved by the Board of Directors and then submitted to the General Assembly of members for deliberation。
    Article 40 The revised articles of Association shall come into force after being examined and approved by the competent business unit and submitted to the registration and administration authority of the association for approval within 15 days after being adopted by the members' Congress。


Chapter VII Termination procedures and disposal of property after termination

    Article 41 Where the group completes its purpose or dissolves itself, or needs to be cancelled due to division, merger or other reasons, the board of Directors or the Standing Board of Directors shall put forward a motion for termination。
    Article 42 The motion for termination shall be passed by the general assembly of the members and submitted to the competent business unit for examination and approval。
    Article 43 Before the termination of the Association, it shall set up a liquidation organization under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to settle claims and debts and deal with the aftermath。During the liquidation period, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out。
    Article 44 The Association shall terminate upon the cancellation of registration by the association registration administration authority。
    Article 45 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used to develop the business related to the purpose of the Association in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and administration authority of the association。

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

    Article 46 The articles of association are approved by the general assembly of members。
    Article 47 The power of interpretation of the articles of Association shall be vested in the Board of directors of the organization。
    Article 48 The Articles of association shall take effect as of the date of approval by the registration and administration authority of the association。

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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