Changde City poetry town (including poetry teaching advanced units) poetry village, poetry home, poetry star evaluation standards

Edit: Administrator日期:2020-09-13 18:09:57Views: 12939


  The hometown of poetry and advanced units of poetry teaching should reach ten
    1. Have awareness。The leadership attaches great importance to support, and the creation work is included in the unit's "13th Five-Year" social development plan;2. Be organized。The unit has poetry work leading group and poetry organization;3. Have a team。There are not less than 100 members, including members of the provincial Poetry Association and the Chinese Poetry Society, according to the proportion of the development of members of the provincial poetry Association in the total local population of seven thousand, eight thousand, to reach within three years, and increase every year;4. Have a venue。Office, event and achievement exhibition space of 60 to 100 square meters;5. There is money。At least 50,000 to 60,000 yuan per year, of which 20,000 to 30,000 yuan should be financed;6. There are poetry magazines。Or newspaper or periodical can be;7. Have a garden。Poetry display platform;8. Have activities。Carry out activities such as collecting style creation, poetry education and poetry guidance, and reciting poetry competition no less than 2 times a year, and send members and poets to enter the poetry class training of the university for the elderly every year. The school should have a poetry teaching plan, teachers and teaching programs, and produce works, talents and experience (based on records);9. Be typical。There should be at least one poetry village, poetry home and poetry star.10. Be effective。It has promoted the prosperity of local culture, improved atmosphere and social development。
Poetry village to reach seven
   First, there are more than 30 members of the county-level poetry organization team and higher cultural authorities approved or filed the name of the poetry organization,Among them, the members of the city, province and Chinese poetry Society have different proportions,Not less than one third of the total number;Second, it has its own poetry creation carrier,Poetry or poetry newspaper;Third, there are poetry reference books,There are "Changde Poetry" and "Hunan poetry" and "Chinese poetry";Fourth, there are activity venues, office space and certain funds,Often carry out activities such as collecting styles, reciting poems, revising manuscripts, giving lectures and tutoring;Fifth, there are units and families poetry culture display garden;Sixth, a collection of poems edited or published by an individual;Seven are poems adopted by superiors,Every year, more than 5 people publish poetry works in the journals of the superior poetry organization。
The poetry family should reach six
     1. Family members have strong political ideology and high consciousness,More than 3 of them love poetry and insist on writing,Produce good works and talents;2. Have a poetry exhibition garden and subscribe to poetry magazines sponsored by superiors,The family bookish atmosphere is strong;3. A family member has published a collection of poems;4. The poems of family members have won prizes in regular competitions (see documents or certificates);5. At least 1 member of the Chinese Poetry Society and 2 members of the Provincial Poetry Association (not counted);6, belongs to the category of civilized family,Local party and government organizations and the masses,Have influence,Good example。
The poetry star has to reach five ones
    I have a passion for poetry culture,I am a member of Chinese Poetry Society,Both moral and artistic;One to ten masterpieces have been published in provincial and national journals;Has a self-published book of poetry;There is a certificate awarded in the province's national regular competition;There are some special poetry work contributions,Such as editing poetry, training talents, organizing activities,Actively work for the prosperity of local poetry culture,Local party and government organizations and mass recognition。
Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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